Chapter 23: Sleepovers

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No One's Pov:

The Sharpe household was a hot mess at the moment. In preparation of their friends' arrivals, Elliot and Milo decided to set everything up themselves and clean the parts of the house they'd be using instead of using the maids because Milo thought he'd get spoiled and lose his "down to earthness" as he said. No matter how hard Elliot tried to convince him that he wouldn't change just because he had help, he wouldn't budge, so Elliot went along with it.

Elliot, not used to physical labor, was heaving on the couch while Milo whistled and dusted the living room with baby Liam resting on his hip. "How are you so cheerful?" He asked in between breaths. "Come on love, all I made you do was mop the floor, how are you so sweaty?" He giggled. "Don't laugh at my pain you monster." He said dramatically. Milo smiled and walked over to his exhausted boyfriend to give him a kiss. "I would never." He said, unable to contain his smile. Elliot sighed and got up to continue with the cleaning.

"I don't even understand why we have to clean princess. They're our friends, they should just deal with our mess, which we don't have because we're neat people." "Honey, I love you but stop complaining or I'll kick you in the shins." "Damn alright." Liam laughed, making Elliot pout. He'd become pretty good at assessing situations and he'd tend to laugh at his parents' adorable bickering.


Everything was eventually set up and snacks were everywhere, just to make sure everyone had some variety. It was all of Milo's friends and Chase because Elliot didn't like people all that much so Chase was the only one he could stand. The only one who hadn't shown up yet was Jamie who was on her way. "Princess where's Liam?" "Caleb's holding him, why?" "Just making sure we didn't lose our baby amongst everything." Milo laughed and hugged his boyfriend. "Well we haven't, and can you start barbequing now?" Elliot groaned into Milo's hair. "I still don't understand why you can't do it." "Because you look cuter in the apron."

"Oh?" "And I think a guy who barbeques is really hot." He pulled away and walked out of the kitchen. "Hey! You can't just say that and then leave me!" He heard a faint laugh and smiled to himself. He grabbed the steaks and hamburger patties and brought them outside to the luxurious backyard they hardly spent time in. He put everything on the grill and started it up, but Milo came out and put the apron on him and tied it so it wouldn't come loose. When he was about to walk away Elliot pulled him back by the arm. "And where do you think you're going?" "Inside?" "Not without a kiss first." Milo gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "There." "That's not a kiss, this is a kiss." He pulled him in by the waist and gave him a deep kiss.

They pulled away, Milo's face being cherry red. "Your face is red princess." "Sh-shut up." He mumbled into his chest. "I love you." "What was that?" He teased. Milo looked at him with an angry face that could be mistaken for a kitten. "I said I love you." "I love you too." He gave him another kiss. "Oh my god get a room!" Caleb dramatically gagged like he was going to throw up. "All of the rooms are ours asshole!" Milo retorted. "Then go into one and lock the damn door! I don't want to see you make another kid!" Milo gasped and his face turned brighter red if it was even possible. He grabbed a pillow from one of the chairs and ran at Caleb to begin his revenge.

Caleb handed Liam off to Elijah like he was a football and started to run, knowing that Milo was very fast. (I think we all remember considering how fast he ran from Elliot the first night lmao). "Don't kill him baby I don't need the lawsuit!" Elliot yelled, watching the steak and hamburgers. "No promises!" Ruby was recording the chase, claiming it would be helpful when the police showed up. Milo eventually caught up to him and hit him with the pillow a couple times before jumping on his back. "Unhand me heathen!" "Never!"

That went on for a while until they both eventually got tired and stopped, Milo definitely won. Elliot finished barbequing and everyone ate in the dining room. Milo fed Liam his baby food while they all conversed. "I'm just saying, if I black out tonight from a sugar rush you might have to put me in the bathtub." Elijah said, making Milo snicker. "Yeah that's probably a good idea. Remember what happened last time you were drunk?" Elijah's cheeks flamed from embarrassment. "I thought we said we weren't going to bring it up anymore."

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