Chapter 7: Uh Oh

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Milo's Pov:

I woke up today with a weird feeling in my gut. I shrugged it off and got ready for work. I decided to wear a lavender button up shirt and dark grey dress pants. I brushed my teeth and attempted to brush and style my hair. Ultimately, that didn't work so I just left it the fluffy mess that it was.

I grabbed my stuff and went down to my car. I drove to work and when I got inside it was still as busy as ever, which meant that Elliot— I mean Mr. Sharpe's parents were still in town. I got into the elevator with like five other people and finally got to my floor after many stops. I finally made it to my desk and sat down. Elijah was there but Ruby was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Ruby?" I asked, logging in. "She's sick today. I think she'll be back in two days." He said. "Whatcha working on?" I asked. "The boss has me working on this new project and it's killing me." He said, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands over his eyes. I chuckled and patted his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll be fine." I tried to reassure him. He groaned and went back to work. "What about you?" He asked. "I'm working on some new character designs for that video game thing."

He nodded and we continued to work. A couple hours later, Elijah and I went to lunch when a lady came up to us. "Hello there, are you Milo Novak?" She asked, looking at a sticky note, which I'm guessing had my name on it. "Yes, that would be me." I said, confused. I looked at Elijah and he just shrugged at me, not knowing what was going on.

"Mr. Sharpe wants to see you in his office in 10 minutes. If you were wondering, he is on the 50th floor." She said and then walked away. When she left I looked at Elijah with a scared expression on my face. "Is that bad?" I asked, afraid for two reasons. One, what if he recognized me? Two, what if he fired me? "Well it's not good." He said, not helping my nerves.

I put my head on the table and groaned. "I'm gonna die Elijah. He's gonna kill me. Oh my gosh he's gonna throw a stapler at me!" I whined. He laughed at me. "I'm sure you'll be fine Milo. Now you better go, he doesn't like to be kept waiting." I whined and got up, walking towards the elevator. My nerves started to climb as the building floor did.

When the elevator doors opened, I took a deep breath and stepped out. I walked around, trying to find his office. I saw the same lady sitting at a desk and walked up to her. She smiled at me and pointed at a door next to her. "It's that door right there. I'll tell him you're here." I smiled. She pressed a button on her phone set and said that I was here.

She said that I could go in. I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I slowly opened it and walked in. I closed the door behind me and walked in front of his desk, trying to keep my distance. He was doing some paperwork and looked up at me.

Random Pov Switch

Elliot's Pov:

I looked up at him and I couldn't speak. He was standing kind of far away from me, probably because he was scared. "You know that you can come closer right?" He shook his head slightly. "I'm fine sir." He answered quietly. "That wasn't a question, it was an order." He nervously walked closer, avoiding my eyes like it would kill him if he looked at me. I felt bad that I scared him.

"I'm not going to fire you if that's what you're thinking." I said. He nodded his head, still avoiding my eyes. This was starting to piss me off. "Do you know who I am Mr. Novak?" He gulped. "Mr. Sharpe, my boss?" "No, that's not it." I said. "T-the CEO of Sharpe Industries?" He tried again. I was getting sick of mind games. I got up and slowly walked towards him.

He started to back away, obviously not wanting to be close to me. I kept walking forward and soon I had him backed against the wall. He gulped and looked down at his feet. I lifted his chin with my pointer finger so that he would look at me. He looked at me, and this was the first time I actually looked at his eyes. They were a beautiful blueish grey color.

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