Chapter 11: Unravelled

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Milo's Pov:

I was now 4 months pregnant and I could barely hide my bump anymore. I was starting to get the feeling that Elliot was catching on or at least getting suspicious. For the past couple weeks I've been seeing him around more often and he always looked like he was waiting for something. I was getting nervous and I really didn't want him to find out.

I knew he could be sweet, but I also knew he could be cold and lacked empathy at times. He's also very stubborn and hard headed. I knew that once he found out about the baby he would either make me get rid of it or force himself into my life. I wasn't sure what I wanted from him anyway. I didn't want his money for child support and I didn't want him apart of my life.

On the other hand, the more pregnant I became, the more I missed him and wanted to be with him, which made my life very difficult and made my judgement more cloudy. It was especially difficult to miss him when I was dating someone, well sort of dating. I ended up calling the guy who took my order and found out his name was Orlando. He was a photographer who worked part time at the Panda Express. We started to talk and we went out a couple times.

It didn't work out because he had to move because he found a good job in another state. It wasn't hard for either of us considering we barely knew each other and I had my own drama with my pregnancy, but we had fun while it lasted. He also took the pregnancy well when I first told him which I didn't expect.

Right now I was at the hospital at one of my appointments. I wanted to hear my baby's heartbeat again because I loved the sound of it. The first time I heard it I was with Jamie and we both cried. What I was really excited for was that we could find out the gender. Since I was about 19 weeks pregnant, it was a good time to see the baby's gender and I didn't want to wait.

Usually, this was the kind of decision that you'd make with your partner, but it was just me, myself, and I so there wasn't any need to be hesitant. Because it was such an important appointment, both Caleb and Jamie joined me. We all took a personal day so we could spend it together, the only thing is that we would have to stop by the office to tell Ruby and Elijah. The doctor came in and told me to lie back.

"Alright, can you lift your shirt up for me?" I did as I was told. "Okay, now this is gonna be a little cold at first." She put the gel on me and I laughed a little bit. It was kinda cold like she said and it tickled. She put the machine on my stomach and I saw my baby. Everytime I saw it I had tears in my eyes. I'm an emotional person, I can't help it. "Congratulations Mr. Novak, you're having a baby boy!" She said excitedly.

I started to cry. A boy. I was having a baby boy. I couldn't believe it. I looked over to Jamie and Caleb who were also emotional. Caleb tried to hide it but he's a big softie so he wasn't doing it very well in hiding it. Jamie was just crying and smiling and laughing, as was I. Everything else went smoothly and we left, our eyes a little red from crying. We made it to the office and I went up alone. When I made it to the graphic design room, Elliot was there.

I hadn't realized it until it was too late and I was already inside. We made eye contact and I froze on sight. He kept watching me and I looked away fast to avoid any extended awkwardness. I walked around him to get to Ruby and Elijah. I saw a glimpse of his face as I walked by and he looked a little hurt, although it was barely there.

"Hey Milo, what are you doing here? I thought you were taking a personal day." Ruby asked. "I am, I just wanted to tell you guys some exciting news." I looked back and saw that Elliot was listening. "Why don't we go out into the hall?" "Yeah sure that works." Ruby said. We walked out of the room where no one could listen in. "So? What was so important? You're making me excited." She was indeed excited, as she was literally bouncing from anticipation.

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