Chapter 13: Suspicious

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Milo's Pov:

I was making breakfast for Elliot and I when he came in the kitchen with his suitcase and a mopey face. He came up behind me and started to rub my stomach. I laughed a little and kissed his cheek. I finished his food and we ate in a comfortable silence. After we were done I put the dishes away and he started to whine some more. "Baby you should probably get going now, your wife should be home today."

"I don't want toooooo." He whined, hugging me and burying his face in my neck. "Well you have to, now go." I lightly pushed him off of me and to the door. I grabbed the suitcase and gave it to him. "Alright, have a nice day baby, bye." "Bye princess." I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and closed the door. I giggled and walked to my room. I was hanging out with Jamie today and I had to get ready.

I decided to wear a dress because I wasn't in the mood to put on pants. I got all my stuff and went down to my car. I started to drive and as I did I thought about everything I had to tell Jamie. She didn't know that Elliot had found out about the baby, and she didn't know that I was dating him. I wasn't sure how she was going to take the news but I hoped it would go well.


I made it to her apartment and knocked on her door. She opened her door with a very excited smile on her face. "Come in come in Lo!" I walked inside and we went to her living room. "It's been way too long JJ, I blame your busy schedule." She rolled her eyes. "You're really busy too Lo, I haven't heard from you in a couple weeks. Are you hiding something from me?" I got kind of nervous and was having second thoughts about telling her.

I talked myself down because she was my best friend after all, and if I were to tell anyone it would be her. "Well? What is it?" "I'm seeing someone..." "What, Who?!" "E-Elliot." "Elliot who?" "Elliot Sharpe." She just sat there with a blank stare on her face. I wasn't sure if she was happy or angry but I was very scared. I shook her a little and that seemed to snap her out of it. "So you're seeing your baby's father?" "Yes." "How long have you been seeing him?"

"Only for a couple days, but he's known I'm pregnant for a little bit now." "How come you didn't tell me sooner?" "You've been busy and I was afraid. Besides, it's so new and I wanted to see how it would go." "Well in that case, I won't be mad at you, but isn't he married to some famous model or something?" "Yeah, but he doesn't love her. It took him a lot of convincing to get me to talk to him."

"Who would have thought, a famous billionaire begging to talk to a nobody." "Hey! I am not a nobody!" "Compared to him you are, but you know I love you." "Yeah." "Well how is it going so far? I've heard he's a real dick." "He's actually really sweet, to me at least, to everyone else, not so much." "That's great for you Lo, so what else is going on?" "Well the pregnancy is going well. I'm getting bigger and my back hurts more, but the baby's healthy."

"Well that's good Lo, I'm glad the baby's healthy." "What's going on with you lately JJ?" "Nothing much, just a lot of work." "Well that sucks, but don't worry because I'm here to make your life more interesting." I put my hands on my hips and posed like a superhero. She laughed and nodded. "Yeah, interesting stuff does seem to happen to you. You know, like getting pregnant and then dating someone famous."

"Haha, yeah I do seem to find trouble everywhere." We talked for a while and we had a lot of fun. We even went for a walk because I needed to get more exercise. We eventually had to part ways because I had work the next day and so did she so we needed some sleep, especially me with my pregnancy. When I got home I immediately went to go change. I saw Elliot's shirt that I had stolen the night we met and smiled at it. I placed it down carefully and headed to the kitchen to get some water.

I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and when I came back to my room I saw that I had a missed call from Elliot. I called him back and he picked up.

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