Chapter 2

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Author's note:
Remember, Liz's thoughts are in italics.

After driving for about an hour, we finally reached the airport. We get our stuff and walk to departure hall 3. The line at check-in is not too long and we are through within 15 minutes.

On the way to customs, I drink my water because it's of course not allowed to come with me. Once we arrive there, I am the first to go through it. "And where are you flying to this early morning?" Asks one of the security officers. "We are going to Samos" I respond cheerfully. "Nice! I've already heard lots of people tonight who are going there too" he says. 

After customs, we went to a store to get a few bottles of water for the plane. After a short walk, we arrived at the gate, but we had to wait a while until boarding because the plane is delayed.

The tension began to build and I have to go to the toilet multiple times because of the nerves. When we walked back to the gate, I suddenly saw a very nice boy sitting there. We looked each other straight in the eye and my heart skipped a beat. I sat back down and my mind starts to wonder. He looks a bit like that guy from last year. But that's not possible Liz. Maybe I'm just driving myself crazy.

After waiting some time, we are finally allowed to board. We looked for our seats and sat down quietly. The first thing I always do is put on my seat-belt, then I put in my earphones with my music.

I wonder where that guy is. Did he even get on this plane? I start wondering to him. He has such beautiful blue eyes. He also has brown hair, is tall, and is slightly tinted. That's not usually someone I would fall for but now I find it attractive. He looks so much like the guy from last year that it almost can't be helped, but I shouldn't get my hopes up. I mean, maybe it isn't him and then you'll be disappointed Liz. In the background, the safety instructions were being told and demonstrated. I knew those pretty much by heart. I have been flying all my life, we go on holiday twice, almost every year, so I can dream of the flight safety instructions now. 

"Cabin crew, prepare for take-off." I hear suddenly.  After taxiing for five minutes, we make the final turn and the engines go full speed. We're taking the runway at full power and soon we are off the ground. With ascending and descending, my ears always get bothered so I'm yawning the whole time.

We have to fly for 4 hours, so it's not too bad. My mother and I will watch a series to pass the time. After an hour and a half, my mom and I go to the bathroom. While we're on our way, I suddenly see the boy sitting there. He's sitting in the chair facing the aisle. He smiles at me. I feel like I have a whole zoo in my belly.

On the way back to our seats, I see him turn around. The moment I walk by, he hands me a folded piece of paper. I look at him with a smile and walk away. Right now I am very excited. My hands tremble and my heart is beating in my throat. I'm serious, it must be that guy from last year.

When I am back in my seat I open the folded piece of paper. "Hi, I'm Evan. We have seen each other here before if I am not mistaken, and I still think you are very cute. So here is my Snapchat ;) (Evan. Wilson)". So it's him!! When we land I will  add him right away because now of course I have no range with the airplane mode on.

 My mom and I continue our series but i can't focus properly at the moment. All I can think about is Evan. I'm already addicted to the idea that he might be with us in the hotel again. That would be great. 

The pilot interrupts my thoughts. He gives us some information about the island and he also tells us what the weather is. It is already 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit when we arrive and there is a strong wind. So it will be a turbulent landing as always.

"Cabin crew, prepare for landing" we suddenly hear. This means that we will be there in about half an hour. I put music in my ears again.

About halfway through the landing, it gets very turbulent but I'm used to this. When I look out of the window next to me, I can already see our hotel. It is located at the end of the runway. 

When we are on the ground, we are allowed to leave the plane almost immediately. When we walk to the baggage claim area, I switch off my airplane mode. While waiting for the suitcase, I add Evan on Snapchat. He is right across from us on the other side of the luggage belt and looks up from his phone when he gets the message that I added him. He smiles at me and of course, we can't take our eyes off each other.

Not much later he added me back and sent me a message right away. We have quite nice conversations even though we don't really know each other at all. When all our luggage is there, we walk out to pick up our rental car.

The man from whom we rent a car is Dutch man who lives here with his wife. When we finally have our car we drive to the hotel.

We arrive at the hotel and we are, as always, warmly welcomed. They even know us by name because we have been coming here for a few years.

Waiting in the lobby, I am still messaging Evan. We haven't talked yet about where we're staying this vacation. But at the moment I want to ask him, he walks into the lobby. When he sees me he immediately gets a smile on his face.

I don't think Lea will believe me when I tell her that he is also staying at this hotel. I already told her the whole story, but she hasn't read it yet. Which I understand very well because it is still very early there. There is a two-hour time difference. Here it's 11.30 am and at Lea's it's 09.30 am. 

"Family Wilson you can go to your room. It's room 37a as always. Your suitcases are already there. Can you go there by yourselves or does someone have to walk with you?" we suddenly hear. My father responds with "How nice! We can manage on our own. Thank you so much!"

I think I've seen you beforeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora