Chapter 9

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Author's note:
Remember, Liz's thoughts are in italics.

The alarm went off a little later than usual this morning. We just got back from breakfast. Last night we were home a little late. We sat at a bar on the boulevard together. Our parents told us all kinds of things about their old days.

I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I'm wearing a green shirt with black shorts and my hair is in a messy bun. Today we are going to the Potami Falls with Evan and his parents. That's near Potami Beach.
I pack my bag and walk out. I see that Evan is already waiting. His eyes are on the screen of his phone and it looks like he is talking to someone. "Heyy" I interrupt him. He looks up and gets a smile on his face. His eyes travel down my body. I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Someone is in love!" I hear a boy say on his phone. Evan is turning red. "Mhm" he responds while still looking straight into my eyes. "So can I see her now or not?" says the same boy's voice. I walk over to Evan. "Hi, I'm Liz," I say to the boy which is probably Evan's best friend that he told me a lot about. "Hi, I'm Luc," he says back cheerfully.
After a brief conversation with Luc, I walk to my room to check for the last time if I have everything with me.

When we get to the area of the waterfalls, we put our car along the road. We all brought our sneakers because the path we have to walk to the falls is not walkable on our flip-flops. And it's about a twenty-minute walk to get to the big falls.
I walk with Evan. It's not the first time for me to come here. The waterfalls and the scenery here are always one of my favorite places to go to on the island.
We walk between the trees, across the water, over small bridges made of branches, over rocks, and through mini waterfalls.

Every time we walk across one of those narrow bridges Evan gives me his hand. He then looks back with a smile and checks to make sure I'm okay and didn't fell down in the water. When we arrive at the part where the big waterfall is, we take the stairs to the top of the mountain. On top of a cliff near the valley is a nice little bar with a nice view. We walk up the stairs, which are so steep that halfway up I miss a step. Fortunately, I don't fall. Evan gives me a hand and so I follow him up the last part of the stairs.

Once we reach the top, we order something to drink and look at the beautiful view. The plan is to go see the waterfall. So Evan and I go back down a little earlier then our parents. The stairs are much steeper if you have to go down. And I doubt if I dare. Evan is already down a little bit but I'm still standing at the top of the stairs. "Are you going to stay there?" I don't say anything back and just stare at the stairs. "Love? Are you scared? Do you want me to get you?" "No Ev I'm coming already" "Are you sure? If necessary I'll carry you down the stairs" While laughing he walks up and grabs my hand. Together we walk down the stairs. We lay down our stuff at the edge of the water and undress until we are in our swimming clothes. The water is pretty cold but nice to cool off. We have to pass through a narrow passage of rocks to get to the waterfall. Not ideal but it is worth it.
On the way back to the car, I hurt my ankle when I step over a rock. Evan comes and catches me just before I fall on the ground. While crying and laughing at the same time I try to get back up but walking hurts a lot. "Jump on my back Liz" says Evan with a smile. And so he carries me the whole way to the car. "How lucky am I to have someone like you," I say to him and give him such a big hug that he almost can't breathe. He puts me in the car and kisses me on my forehead.
Arriving back at the hotel, we all go for lunch at the little restaurant near the beach. The plan is that we stay at the hotel for the rest of the afternoon.

After spending the whole afternoon on the beach, we arrive in town around 8 pm. Tonight we eat separately. We choose to eat in a restaurant in one of the small streets in between the main street of Pythagorion. While eating I can not stop thinking. I am starting to get some real feelings for Evan. And I hope he also for me but I think he do.
I think mom has also noticed that I'm starting to have feelings. And that thought is confirmed by dinner. "Is Evan your boyfriend yet?" Mom asks me suddenly. I had seen that one coming. But dad likes it a lot too."Yes, Liz? Have you guys kissed yet?" Adds dad."Dad, mom, do we have to do this here?" "What? No one knows us anyway" "No it's not my boyfriend and no we haven't kissed either. We're just having a great time" I bet you kissed before the end of the vacation" We'll see about that mom"

Nice that I'm not the only one who sees it. And of course, I hope we get something someday. And secretly, of course, I'd like to kiss him too. 

When we have just finished eating, Mom gets a call from Evan's mom. "Are you guys coming to a little bar on the harbor?" I hear her say. Mom looks at dad and me and we both nod. "Yeah sure, where are you guys?"

When we arrive at one of the busiest bars in the harbor I see Evan sitting there. I get a warm feeling right away. He has a black polo shirt on and honestly it looks great on him. His eyes are glued to me it seems. They glide over my body. I sit down next to him and almost immediately he puts his arm around me.

I see Evan signal his father to him and give him something under the table. "How about we go to Two Spoons together Liz?" his dad says suddenly. "Sure" we say enthusiastically.

We walk across the docks to Two Spoons. Searching for a spot.
Once we find a spot we order one of the most delicious ice creams ever. We share one ;).

After paying, we walk back to our parents. Evan's arm on my shoulder and mine around his waist.
When we arrive at the bar we see our parents still busy talking to each other. We take a seat on the couch. Evan his arm around me again and I lay down against him with my hand on his chest.
Some cocktails are brought and after a while, Evan and I are also drinking what. As expected the way back to the hotel was a task but we are still alive.

Before I want to open the door of my room I hear Evan calling my name softly.
Our parents are already in the room but we had walked to the beach to look at the stars for some time.
"Liz? Can I maybe have another hug?"
Smiling already I walk over to him.
"You always can, Ev" I whisper as I give him a firm hug.
"Good night Liz," he says and kisses me on my forehead.

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