Chapter 11

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Author's note:
Remember, Liz's thoughts are in italics.

I wake up early to the alarm clock. At 12.0 am we have to be on the plane back home. We have an early breakfast today. I arrive at breakfast in pants with some holes and a tank top. My hair is in a messy bun and I have put a little bit of mascara on my face. I'm still tired from yesterday. But so in love. I still can't believe it. I take a seat next to Evan with a bowl of yogurt and some fruit.
The cabs arrive at 8:45 am. Our suitcases are already at the entrance of the hotel. They were picked up by the staff of the hotel. At 9 am we arrived at the airport. There is already a long line for the check-in. Evan is standing with his hands around my waist the whole time. Our parents are not even surprised that we are so close after yesterday.

After checking in, we went through the customs with ease. The airport here in Samos is much smaller than ours so we arrived at our gate very quickly, where we don't have to wait very long. We get some more bottles of water and before we know it we are allowed to board.
Evan and I take our seats next to each other on the plane. After about 10 minutes, we get ready for takeoff. Again, I am tense. Flying + Liz = a bad combination. But Evan realizes I'm nervous and puts a hand on my leg. "Slowly breathe in and out sweetheart" he says when we are loose from the ground. We have quite a bit of turbulence due to the strong wind.

Once we are up in the air I am a little more relaxed. I'm pretty cold but I put my vest in my suitcase yesterday and because it was so hot this morning I forgot to take it out. Evan takes a sweater out of his bag. I put on his sweater. It smells like him. "Looks good on you Liz, very cute too!". I smile at him.
I lay my head on Evan's shoulder. We start a series. After a few episodes, my eyes get heavier and heavier. As you see, I didn't get much sleep last night because all I did was think about our kiss.
Evan notices that I am getting tired. "Maybe try to get some sleep Luv," he says softly. He gestures to his lap.
Does he want me to lie my head on his lap?
He folds the little table in front of us. Without hesitation, I lay my head on his lap. My face toward his belly. He puts one of his AirPods in my ear and puts on some music. His hands are in my hair. 
After about 4 hours we get ready for landing. I sit up straight in my seat and Evan grabs my hand again and does that little thumb thing.

After we land, we soon reach the place where we can pick up our suitcases. When I have my suitcase in my hand, the realization sets in. The vacation is over. Evan and I are no longer together every day. We have to go back to school and I don't know if we'll stay in touch. Evan sees that I'm struggling and I think he's thinking the same thing. "Don't worry now honey, we see each other every week and we can facetime. We'll keep in touch, trust me!" he says as he gives me a hug. When we let go we look at each other. A tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away. Hand in hand we walk to the exit of the airport. When we get outside, Evan and his parents' cab is already waiting for them. Evan gives me another hug and a kiss on my forehead. Their bags are loaded and he walks to the cab. He opens his door, looks back, and walks over to me again. He kisses me full on my mouth in front of all our parents. They cheer. Evan gets into the cab. Closes his door and opens his window. "Bye Liz!" he shouts as the cab starts to move. Tears of joy roll down my cheeks as I wave until I don't see the cab anymore.

We walk to our car. I think about Lea and how much I have to tell her when I get home. Mom is thinking the same thing because as we drive out of the parking lot, she asks if Lea would like to come over for dinner tonight.
I immediately message Lea. "We've landed! Want to come over for dinner tonight? Have a lot to tell you😉". She immediately messages back. "Ofcouse! Should I bring some popcorn😜?" 

Once I get home I unpack my suitcase. I walk to my room and lie down on my bed. I stare at the ceiling. Apparently with a smile. My mom is standing in the doorway. "Little bit in love Liz?" she asks me, with a grin on her face.

The bell rings. That's my salvation. I run to the door and I fly into Lea's arms. We take our seats at the table. While eating, we talk about our vacation. After dinner, we quickly walk upstairs and I immediately start telling her my story. I tell her everything. Every little detail. 

In the middle of my story, my phone vibrates. It's Evan, "I miss you already Liz :/". I start smiling and show the message to Lea. I immediately reply back, "I miss you too Ev :/".

Lea and I talk the evening away. There were still some of her things at my house and that is an excuse for Lea to stay the night. 

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