Chapter 3

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Author's note:
Remember, Liz's thoughts are in italics.

Arriving at our room we change into shorts because jeez it's hot here. After I get dressed I walk to the terrace to sit in the sun. Suddenly I see Evan and his parents coming. They are in the cottage next to us. I immediately message Lea. After a few minutes, my parents come out and we go to the restaurant for lunch.

We have a table at the side of the beach. The nice thing is, we already know the people who work here. The man who is also always here at breakfast, takes our order and we have a pleasant conversation. When the man has left, Evan and his parents come walking into the restaurant. They take the table next to us and Evan sits at the place where we can see each other. We look at each other the whole time. I still marvel at how his eyes can be so light blue. We eat our food and go back to our room. We are going to get some sleep for a little while because it was very early this morning and it was a long trip. After sleeping, we will do some grocery shopping and then we plan to go to the beach.

I change into a t-shirt to sleep in and lay in bed. The beds here are very nice but they creak a lot. Sometimes mom can't stand it and I think it's funny that it bothers her so much.

I fall asleep immediately and when I wake up I grab my phone to look for Lea's messages. The first thing I read is, "He might become your summer hookup soon ;)". At the very idea, I get happy and nervous at the same time. Then suddenly I get a message from Evan. 'Wanna go to the beach later? :)'. Of course, I do.  'Yes, I would love that! :)'  I respond.

I get dressed and we walk to our car. It's just even warmer than this morning. When we arrive at the supermarket it is very crowded. We walk inside and we get lots of water because you shouldn't drink the water from the tap here in Greece. We also take some snacks and soon we are outside again. On the way back to the hotel we pass a vegetable store and get some fruit.

When we get back to our hotel, I almost immediately put on my bikini and walk outside to see if Evan is there. He happens to be sitting outside. "Hi, there you are, wanna go to the beach now? My parents are going that way too, maybe your parents can get along if they want?." "Yes sure, that's fine, just wait a minute and I'll see if my parents are ready to come along" I respond. 

A minute later we walk with his parents and my parents to the beach and lay down our towels. "Shall we go for a swim already?" he asks when I put my stuff down. 'Yeah sure' I say immediately. We walk across the hot sand to the sea. The water is not very cold, thankfully. 

"Exactly one year ago we were here too, only we hadn't spoken to each other than," says Evan suddenly. I thought about that too. Last year we were here too and I thought he was a cute boy. Now a year later we have indeed only spoken for the first time. Last year we both didn't dare to talk to each other and when we did, something came between us.
"No, unfortunately, we had not spoken last year" I respond. One thing he doesn't know is that I thought about him very after the summer. And I still don't get it. Last year, I didn't even speak to him and he kept on getting into my head. "I really should have asked for your number last year but I didn't dare," he says with a smile on his face. "Yes I actually should have too, but luckily we have run into each other again now and we are going to have a nice time I guess" I respond.  The conversation goes on like this for some time. And after a while, we go back to our sunbeds.

I grab my phone to text Lea about the conversation I just had. Of course, she is all happy for me again but she wants to see him. Not that that is easy atm because I don't have any pictures of us yet.

Meanwhile, the parents of Evan and my parents have a very nice conversations. If I do say so myself. Nice that it also clicks between them ;). 

After listening to music in the sun for a while, we go back to our room. It is already half-past six, the time goes fast. Tonight we have dinner in the town of Pythagorion, which is 15 minutes away. Evan and his parents are having dinner with friends at the hotel tonight. The people they are having dinner with were here last year too. They have a little son who came to me to say hi every time last year. They are flying back home tomorrow so that is why they are having dinner with all of them.

Evan and I walk behind our parents to our rooms. The way he looks at me makes me nervous in a way but also very happy on the other hand. Right now, I curious to know what he is thinking about.

When we get to our rooms, we say goodbye and I walk into my room. I take a shower, then get dressed and do my make-up. My head is completely in the clouds. When my parents have also finished showering and the rest, we walk outside. It's still quite warm outside and the sun is already starting to set. We walk into town and talk about what we want to eat.

When we arrive at the boulevard, it is very busy. All the terraces are full. We sit down at a restaurant called '831000'. We've eaten here a few times last year because we liked it so much. I always order a caesar salad here, so you can guess that, of course, I order it again. The wait staff here is always very friendly. We have long conversations with them and they often tell us nice places on the island that we should see before we go home. 

After dinner, we walk back to the hotel. The sun is already completely set but the streets here are still busy in the evening. 

When we arrive at our room it is already 11 pm. I brush my teeth, undress and lie down on my bed. I message Lea and then go to sleep.

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