I love(d) you

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My last words to you.
I love you.

And sometimes I wish I didn't, but I still do

And I can't describe why.
Maybe it's because love makes one feel high?

High off of life, high off of drugs.
Why does it matter when you're in love?

I love you.
But you don't feel the same.

Which is why I'm done playing these games.

You love him. Now, I understand heather.
And how it felt to want to be her.

I can't change the way you feel, but that doesn't mean I'll stop loving you.

While you still love him, I hope he cares for you well and your love is a win.

I want you to be happy. Even if that means it's not with me.
Maybe one day, our love could be.

I still love you.

Even after the times you hurt me, even after you said you never cared.
If you came to me crying, I'd still be there.

I can't explain why. Perhaps it's just how I am.
Maybe it's because I still can.

Because you said you didn't want me anymore, my love for you makes me ache and I'm still sore.

My heart hurts. I can't always hide it with a hat or mask,

but despite that,

I'll always love you.

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