Does it get better?

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Does it get better?

That sinking feeling in your stomach.

The one where you feel that heavy pit,
That feels like you're being pulled down by gravity.

The one that sinks in slowly, late at night
Where it feels like you're drowning, but your lungs still heave.

Does it get better?

I can feel the tears threatening to spill
As I wait for a reply.
One that I know will never come.

The stone in my stomach won't lessen.
I feel like the weight will drag me deeper into the depths of despair I'm drowning in.

And yet, no one seems to hear my cries above the water.

Your silence is deafening.
Am I as forgettable as your silence makes me feel?

Will it ever get better?

Sometimes, I hope that the exponentially growing pit will engulf me.

That it will hold me still,
That it will cradle me
And protect me against the depths of the cruel waters
Threatening to crush me.

I hope it gets better.

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