To 2045

19 4 2

I have tried hard, but I cannot stop running

I cannot seem to escape what is coming.

The Earth needs the rent, and we must pay the fee,

But why can't we just keep the Earth filth free?

I have watched helplessly as it crumbles around me,

Stealing the future from gen z

Trump was impeached, but instead bombed Iran,

Which could have well led to World War Three?

I want to live free, but now my thoughts must be crafted

I go to a camp sent by Mike Pence, or be drafted?

Dear two thousand forty five,

I fear we might not make it alive.

China has taken the rights from those

Who cannot afford to let their lives go.

North Korea is almost calm,

Willing to stop these nuclear bombs.

But hey, everyone's moved on from the bombings and talk shows,

now we've seemed to reach our Earths new low time low.

Our glaciers are melting and fires are spreading

Just ask Australia, they've gained half our headings.

We cannot afford to just sit and do nothing.

We've got to do something,

or something worse will be coming.

If we don't we'll lose our Earth, scientists say

Yet people still complain about being gay?

Sure there are gay people and gay guys and gay lives

but really, who can stop all these lies?

I'm sick and tired of the lives that are borrowed

Being born today but dying tomorrow?

Children are dying and parents are crying

But yet, no one stops the Earth from drowning

In its own fear and sorrows provided

We sit and do nothing and watch supervised.

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