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Sabito's POV:
I start jumping from tree to tree getting ready to attack this other disciple of  Mr.Urokodaki. She started to seem really dizzy so I decided to go in for the kill, I don't really want to kill her so I am going to  attack her with my wooden sword  that was passed down to me. (This is my first time writing a fighting scene so Bear with me). I put my wooden sword in front of me and stab her abdomen making her scream in pain, I then proceed to put my sword in my right hand and hit her head. Her occupied with putting her hands on her head I put both my hand on my sword and start hitting her on random places such as her legs and arms, finishing up I hit her on her chin making her tumble down onto the sand.

Nezuko's POV:

"You really haven't learned anything have you...then what were you doing all these months!?" The unknown man said while placing his hand in-front of  my face.

Me deciding he means for me to take his hand, so I could get up, I do even though he just attacked me. After I stand up I look to my side because I had just heard something and I saw a shadow this shadow didn't have a mask and they weren't really tall. The shadow was a girl maybe like 11-13 is what I was guessing which I am probably wrong about.

"Now let get to training" the little girl said to me and her ally.

"Uhhhh" I just stand there with a confused look on my face.

"The things master taught, you didn't understand it...Oh I forgot my name is Sabito and the girls name is Makomo" Sabito said while eyeing Makomo.

"Well I'm Nezuko and I have a older brother named Tanjiro!"

I Start to stare at the odd people as a shadow start to hover over us. I realize that it's already night time and I have to get back to sleeping Tanjiro. I start to walk back to the cabin when Sabito called out to me.


"OKAY" I yell back while I wave towards them giving them my goodbyes.

"I wish Tanjiro would wake up" I said out loud with my voice filled with silence.

Nezuko's POV:
I started to to check Tanjiro's pulse everyday to make sure he was alive, I also keep check of my adventures and write them down It's really hard and I'm trying my best to keep up. Sometimes I even want to give up but I have to do this for my brother...also my family and new friends. (Sabito, Makomo)
I can't believe I lied in the last chapter I told everybody that I would make this longer but I didn't. I'm sorry... well...THANKS FOR READING :)

Word count including these: 493 words

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