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Your PoV

After staying in the hospital and talking to Tzuyu, I decided to go home.

"Oh, it's snowing... how did you get here?" Tzuyu asked as we are about to leave the hospital.

"I took a cab... are you going somewhere?"

"I'm going home too, I need to get my things there." She said

"Is that so? Then I'll just go with you." I said

"Aish, as If I have a choice. Let's go." She said and we walked in her car.

"Hayy! You didn't tell me that your car is far from the hospital. I could just wait on you in front of the hospital." I hissed as I brushed off myself.

"What are you? Special? Tss."

She started to drive back as I just look outside the window.

"You've been free this past few days," Tzuyu said. I looked at her and nod.

"But I just stayed in my room... Aish, before it was nothing for me, but now. I just want to stay outside the house."

"That's easy, you should start packing your things and sleep outside the house instead."

"Yah! I didn't mean that way, the others are not around. Even Dahyun is busy. Even you... I just want to do some random task even it's a task that is given to juniors." I mumbled.

"Mina unnie didn't assign you in any task?"

"For real, I can't blame her either... Irene unnie is the one who's deciding."

"Have you tried talking to Irene?"

"Multiple times, but she's always busy."

"Try this." She said and gave me a paper.

I looked at it and saw an email account.

"This is for what?"

"She probably thinks that 'Y/N will just call for a nonsense thing' so she's not prioritizing you. So I'll give you my account, I don't use that anymore... she'll answer right away if you use that to contact her."

"Yah! Irene unnie is not like that. Aish." I exclaimed. She just laughed and shook her head.

"I know, It just You'll call her to say that you miss her. Yah, don't you think Irene didn't know that? If she's busy then let her. But I guess you need to talk to her too. So I'm giving you that."

"Hay, fine. I'll take this."



"We're home!" I said as we get in the house.

"Oh- just in time. Wait, Tzuyu-ssi. Are you here to get your things?" Nayeon unnie asked.


"When will you come back?" Sana unnie asked.

"Probably before I die." She said that made mo look at her.

"Yah! How the hell you can joke about that!? You are the one who said that It's not good to joke about that!" I exclaimed.

"Oh? You guys are good already?" Jeongyeon unnie asked.

"Ne, Y/N-ssi begged so much and as a person with a kind heart, I forgave her."


"Suddenly? Bet, It was Jihyo." Nayeon unnie said.

"Yah, what did I do?" Jihyo said as she came in.

"Ah right, I noticed it. Jihyo unnie, did you somehow told Y/N to say sorry to Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Yah! I did it by myself, it is my own decision. Do you think I can't do it without Jihyo telling it?." I hissed.

"I don't believe it." I heard Momo unnie said.

"Me? Why me?" Jihyo asked

"Just because..." Dahyun mumbled.

"Should we eat first? Later will be Tzuyu's flight. We must eat together." Mina unnie suggested.

"Good idea, I'll just prepare the food we cooked." Jeongyeon unnie said and get in the kitchen.

While the others are busy, I looked at Jihyo and she just smiled.

Thinking... maybe it's really Jihyo who made me do it...

"Thanks." I mouthed.

I looked at my watch and it's already 3:00 pm.

I get my phone and typed something.

I guess this is the start, this is just the start.  I thought.

Third Person

"Take care of yourself there, Don't worry about us," Jihyo said

They are now in the airport and just waiting for Tzuyu's flight.

"I'm not, I'm more worried about the hospital. Is trusting it on Y/N would be a good decision?"

"Yah! I didn't even force you to do that. If you don't believe in me, you should have just given the responsibility to others." Y/N hissed.

"Aren't you the one who said it? You want to stay outside the house. You have no task and the others are loaded. That's why I leave it to you."

"Wow, thanks." Y/N said sarcastically.

"Just contact me if there's a problem. I trust you."

"Hayy, it's really strange to hear that from you," Y/N mumbled.

"Then, I'll go now guys. Take care of yourselves. I'll be back." Tzuyu said.

After bidding goodbye to Tzuyu, they all decided to go back to the house.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Dahyun asked.

"Oh, just go home first. I need to go somewhere."

"Ok, take care."

As Y/N separates with the others, she gets in the cab and stopped on a park.

Despite the cold weather, Y/N waits till the person she's waiting for arrives.

"Jihyo," Y/N said as she stood up.

"You're crazy, you should have just go home first to get your coat. It's cold in here." Jihyo said as she puts on the extra coat that she brought.

"Mianhae, did you wait too long?"

"Aniyo, I'm fine." Y/N said and smiled.

They both sat on the vacant bench while watching some couple passing by.

"Sorry if we need to do this. I don't think it's the right to tell them."

"Gwaenchana." Y/N said.

"Until when Y/N?" Jihyo asked that made Y/N look at her.



Y/N looked at Jihyo and smiled.

"I know it's weird, but... I don't care if we stay like this forever. It's ok for me. As long as it's you."

Jihyo smiled unconsciously on the younger's word. She reached on the younger's hand and hold it tight.

"Kang Y/N, I'm falling for you."

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