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This chapter is Tzuyu's story a long time ago

Third Person

"Tzuyu, you are going back to South Korea to help your brother managing the hospital." Her mom said which she replied with a nod.

"Ok, mom."

After spending her vacation as she graduated from college, she went back to Taiwan. But now she's coming back to South Korea to help her brother managing the hospital.

After her mother said that after the next day, she flew back to South Korea.

"Oppa!" Tzuyu greeted happily to her brother who welcomed her at the airport.

"Tzuyu-ssi! Did you enjoy your vacation?"

"Yeah, I kinda miss my squad too."

"Oh, then let's go back to the house first." Her brother said and gets Tzuyu's luggage.

They are about to get inside his brother's car but something happened unexpected.


Tzuyu dashed on her brother that is now laying on the ground while choking on his own blood.

"Oppa! Oppa! Hey, Oppa?!" Tzuyu exclaimed as she starting to cry.

"What happened?!" A girl asked she run to Tzuyu.

"H-he... I- I Don't k-know!" Tzuyu said as she cries continuously.

The people are starting to surround them so the girl carried Tzuyu's brother and puts him in the backseat.

"Get in, composed yourself!" The girl commanded.

Tzuyu nervously sat in the backseat as she looks at his brother who's stopped throwing up blood but now unconscious.

"W-who are you?" Tzuyu asked still crying.

"Elkie, I'm your brother's assistant."

"What happened to my brother!?"

Elkie didn't reply but continued to drive somewhere. Not so long they arrived on a tunnel that has a way to a secret laboratory.

"W-where are we?" Tzuyu asked as she started to panic.

"This is your brother's place, we test all the medicines also the medical techs that we are making," Elkie said and get off the car.

She opened the backseat's door and get Tzuyu's brother and lay him on a bed.

"You didn't answer me, what happened to my brother?"

Elkie didn't reply again, she ripped Tzuyu's brother's shirt and started to put some medical equipment and monitor.

"He's still breathing so don't cry like he's dying," Elkie said.

As Tzuyu's brother is on stable now, they both calmed themselves.

"T-thank you for saving him," Tzuyu said.

"You must be his sister, glad you arrive," Elkie said.

"So what happened to my brother?"

Elkie stood up and started to get some files on her cabinet.

"I'm Elkie, your brother's assistant. We know each other for almost 2 years. That is the time we decided to build this place too. We go here to study some medical cases. Also to plan for the med techs and new medicine. All of those are happening here. And we make the actual project at your hospital." Elkie stated.

"Just last year, we discovered a rare illness. We conducted research and 5 people around south Korea have this rare illness as of now... Including your brother."

Tzuyu gasped as she heard what Elkie said it's like her world shattered as she heard that.


"No treatment as of now. We tried much cure but it just worsened the situation. Your brother didn't stop until I told him to do so. We found out that the rare illness is not hereditary or contagious. It just appeared on someone."

"It shows normal symptoms of sickness. Until if you take medicine. We found out that taking some medicine could trigger the illness. If you continued to take any of those, it can lead to death."

"Why you didn't tell to my parents!? They have to know it!"

"That's exactly why you are here! To cover everything!"

Tzuyu stopped as she heard that.


She snapped as she heard her brother spoke up.

"Oppa! Oppa why you didn't tell us!?"

Tzuyu's brother just chuckled weakly as he wipes Tzuyu's tears.

"I- I have a favor for you. I'll promise to be b-better if you'll do what I-i told you."

"W-what is it? Tell me Oppa, I want to help you!"

"T-take a look after the hospital. Starting f-from now, you need to m-manage it ok?"

"But Oppa,"

"Please, Don't tell this to anyone. Elkie will explain everything to you. Let me rest for a b-bit." He said and closed his eyes.

"What is he talking about?" Tzuyu asked Elkie.

"We already planned this, we know he can't recover if he won't let go of the company. That's why he ask your parents to send you here, he just said that he wants to teach you how to manage the hospital but he really wants to leave it to you."

"Why me?!"

"Because he trusts you Tzuyu, you heard what your brother said. He promised to be better, just do what he wants."

Tzuyu stopped as she thinks of what to do.

"W-what do I need to do?"

"This is all his plan. The hospital is on its way to bankruptcy but it was all part of the plan. Your brother hid the investment and money on his account to fulfill this plan. He wants to show that he run away and leave you the company falling."

"What!? You mean you are planning to make his image bad? He's not like that!"

"I know! But Tzuyu look, this is the only way. Your family is known to be a great hospital around the world. What would you think they will say if they found out that the CEO of Chou hospital, South Korea branch, son of the greatest doctors and medicine makers has this rare illness? And they can't do anything to save their son's life?"


"Your brother just thinking about your future and your parents' it will be a huge controversy if they found out this. So to cover, he wants to issue that he left you all the responsibilities of bankruptcy. That's the only way to save your family's reputation."

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