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Third Person

"T-this is just am-misunderstanding. You don't need to do this." Y/N said to Wendy's team.

"Chou Tzuyu, you are under arrest for kidnapping Ms. Ka-"


"Tzuyu didn't kidnap m-"

"I kidnapped her, planned to kill her, I did that," Tzuyu said

Y/N looked at Tzuyu as she heard what Tzuyu said.

"N-no. Tzuyu what are you saying!?"

Tzuyu clenched her fist and points the gun to Y/N.

"I- I told you to hate me! Why are you so stupid to understand that!?"

"Tzuyu! Stop that!"

"I-If I just know that it was you, I shouldn't have let myself get attached to you!"

"N-no, tell them this is just a misunderstanding." Y/N plead.

"I-I'm sorry," Tzuyu said as she throws the gun and walked on Wendy's team peacefully.

"Elkie, I'll let everything to you," Tzuyu said as Wendy's team get her out of the place.

Y/N's team and Ace team also go with Wendy. Now it just the senior plus Irene, and Daniel.

"You can leave this place," Elkie said as she covers the body of Tzuyu's brother.

They don't have a choice but to leave, the whole time, Y/N was in silence. Until they arrived at the mansion.

"You must let go of Tzuyu, she didn't kidnap me," Y/N explains.

"We saw it on the CCTV," Irene said.

"She didn't hurt me! How many times do I have to tell you!? It's a big misunderstanding."

"Y/N, let's talk about it next time," Jihyo said as she goes beside Y/N.

"No, our friend is being questioned on the thing she didn't do. It's a huge misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Did you know what are you talking about?" Daniel finally spoke up.

"It's not a mistake, she did it on purpose. Because she knows that you can save her brother." Daniel said.

"Daniel!" Irene called up but Daniel didn't care.

"Let's be honest here now. You, should not be feeling worried for Tzuyu and You, should not worry about Y/N." Daniel said to Y/N and Jihyo.

"Did you know what Tzuyu's talking about? She probably knows already."

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked.

"Daniel, be considerate. your sister just got into huge trouble, can't we just set these all aside from now?" Jihyo said but Daniel didn't listen.

"Did you know why she kidnapped you? Did you know what she's talking about? Don't you have questions on your mind huh?" Daniel asked continuously.

"I'll tell you, you're not my sister. You're just a huge mistake that my parents did. You don't deserve the love you are getting because you're just a robot!" Daniel exclaimed panting.

Y/N stopped then chuckled.

"Robot? What are you talking about? Did you somehow bump your head? Are you out of your min-"

Y/N wasn't able to finish her sentence when Daniel pulled out a device from the cabinet and points it to Y/N.

A deafening sound was heard coming from devices that made them all flinch.

"Daniel turn that off!" Irene said.

Daniel did what she said and looked at Y/N in victory.

"You, you're living in a wrong life."

"W-what is that?" Jeongyeon asked Daniel.

"Isn't... Ace team's project?" Nayeon asked.

At that point, Y/N had a clue what is happening.

"When my parents are still alive, they made a robot that can do anything. It was designed like a real human, that even I, can't tell who is who. They designed it looking like My real sister. It became the most powerful technology that many people want to get it. That even my real sister's life put into danger."

"They decided to go to another country, but the plane crashed happened. Mom died but Dad able to survived. He continued to live peacefully there but the enemies found him. He died, with my real sister."

"Y-you must be kidding m-"

"They left you here because they don't want to shut you down. Because they know that they can still use you. That's why you are kept here inside for long."

"You, you are just a robot that took away my family. You took everything, Fake Y/N."

"You're lying!"

"Lying? Do you think, these past troubles that happened to you are just a lie? They won't chase you if they didn't know that you are the one they are looking for. My family died because of you!" Daniel.

"A-aniyo, no... Irene, what is this!?" Y/N asked confusedly.

"T-the device is hundred percent accurate. It detects electronics and high techs. That is all you." Irene said that made Y/N lose her hold on her knees.

"We came back to shut you down before you destroy other lives," Daniel said that made Y/N looked at her.

Y/N started to get furious, she stood up and run to Daniel, unhesitatingly she grabbed Daniel's collar.

"Why are you doing his huh? Tell me!"

Daniel just looked at her fearlessly.

"You spent much time with my sister's identity. It's time to take it back." He said and removed Y/N's hand on him.

As he said that, he left with Irene and now it's just Y/N and others.

No one dares to talk, Y/N looked at each of them and smiled at them.

"You believe him?" Y/N asked as she expects a no but no one answered.

She then looked at Jihyo.

"Please tell Wendy that She doesn't need to arrest Tzuyu." Y/N just said and walks to her room.

"You're telling me... that the Y/N we are with is a robot?" Momo asked

"She's the greatest work of Kang," Sana added.

"W-what are we going to do now?"


It will end sooner, thank you for the warm support since book one. Keep supporting till the last chapter :))

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