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The Chu family lives in a manor castle somewhere in Castlecombe, Wiltshire, England. They aren't the most traditional family, yet they aren't also the most modern family. Rather, they are a modern family who still keeps the tradition. And inside the manor lives a set of parents with their seven children. 

Chu Wei, the head of the family, was born in 1950 to Korean and Chinese parents. His roots tracing and going back to the Jeonju Chu Clan in the North Jeolla Province, South Korea. His Korean and Chinese ancestors being scholar-officials to numerous ruling emperors. With his high position in the Ministry of Magic and one of the twelve wizards who run the Hogwarts Board of Governors, he is an influential man in his 50s. Occassionally wearing a neat black suit, long black hair styled into a ponytail (his long white hair says hello too) and is always seen smoking his brass tobacco. He has a very long mustache up to his chest, but he always kept it neat and tied into a ponytail too, sporting his look along with the wrinkles of his old age with pride. 

Jiang Ying Yue, the light of the home, was born in 1955 to wealthy silk merchants who dresses up their royal patrons from China to Europe. Although, she is not someone who is a high profile person in the Ministry, she is, however, a fashion icon in the wizarding world. Introducing a new range of fashion, make up and accessories and is also a frequent fashion adviser for Witch Weekly. Often times, she is seen wearing traditional or modern qipaos, hosting lavish parties but would prefer to have tea and biscuits with her seven children of whom she loves dearly. 

As mentioned earlier, they have seven children: Philip, Ivy, Evan, Lynn, Alan, Joan and Bella. 

Philip Chu, the eldest son, was born on 1970, his parents being conceived to him while on a getaway in Egypt. On the morning of his eleventh birthday, he finally received what every child wanted to receive: his Hogwarts acceptance letter. Seven years later, he is now a curse breaker at Gringotts. Occasionally visiting Egypt every now and then as he is interested with the tombs and learning about the ancient history of the country. 

A year after Philip's birth, came their second child and eldest daughter, Ivy Chu. Having been named by one of the most poisonous plants: poison ivy. Very much like her Ms. Jiang, Ivy is a girl who is interested in fashion and always saw herself beyond her academic measure. After graduating from Hogwarts, she found herself as an actress in broadway theaters and hanging out with the famous Celestina Warbeck. Just like Philip, she often visits Paris and New York during the fashion week. 

Three years after Ivy's birth, came the second son, Evan. He was more calm and composed than the first two children. Oftenly reading books from his father's library (but only selected books appropriate for his age) and is often when the other two were noisy. Ms. Jiang and Mr. Chu never had any problem raising Evan. He was a behaved little boy who, after seven years of his education in Hogwarts, grew to become a columnist for the Daily Prophet. Although, his parents knew he was capable of much more than that, they believed in Evan as writing has always been his great interest. 

And now, we have reached the remaining children who are still in Hogwarts. 

The fourth child and second daughter born on 1975, sixth year Lynn. The fifth child and third daughter born on 1976, fifth year Alan (but she rather prefers to be called by her Korean name Eunsol or her Chinese nickname Shua). The sixth child and fourth daughter born on 1978, third year Joan. And the youngest of the Chu siblings and a favorite on both grandparents' side born in 1980, Bella. 

Have I already mentioned that the family, except for Bella, are all housed under Slytherin? In case I haven't, there it is! 

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