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italicized means spoken in mandarin 

I awoke to Ningning's head nuzzling on my face. I smiled and slowly opened my eyes, reaching my hand out to pet the top of her head. She leaned her face to my touch and it was enough to wake me up. I slowly got up of my bed and opened the curtains, letting the morning sun enter through my window. My mother always said, the day the cherry blossoms bloom is the day I was born. 

And the cherry blossom trees in our garden were blooming. 

"My youngest daughter, happy birthday to you!" My mom barged into my room, instantly cupping my cheeks and placing kisses all over my face. 

"Go downstairs to the dining room and eat as many as you want. Grandfather and grandmother will be arriving in a few hours." My mother gushes, placing a big kiss on my forehead before leaving my room. I got up from my bed and fixed it before I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. 

When I got out of the bathroom, I stared at my half naked self covered in a white towel reflection in the mirror. People would compliment how my mother is a strong woman but with soft features whereas my father's charming point is his eyesmile. I tried to do an eyesmile at my reflection, carefully examining my eyes to see if they are similars to my father. Just making sure that I really am their child. People have told me that my features looks more softer and sweeter. Maybe because I keep eating too many sweets as a child? 

I opened my cabinet and wore the new long, dark blue lace cheongsam with long sleeves. When my grandparents from my mother side revealed this dress in China and Europe, I heard that a lot of witches wanted to get their hands on the dress. However, they only made one and gave it to me for me to wear on my eleventh birthday. Since I'm not a fan of tying my hair, I let it down for today. Mentally crossing my fingers to myself in the hopes that I won't get a scolding from my mother about not looking presentable especially on my day. 

( the dress that Bella wears ) 

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( the dress that Bella wears ) 

I opened my door and got out of my room with Ningning with me. My family at first were scared of her, but a few months after, they eventually warmed up to her and found Ningning as a big baby too. Upon reaching the dining table, I found the whole family seated. 

"Happy birthday!" They greeted but I first came to hug my brother Evan since he's the one nearest to me. I sat down on the far end of the table besides Joan. The table is a long rectangular shape. My father isn't sitting on the top since he's my grandparents are coming so he sat on the right side of the head of the table. Followed by my mother, Philip, Ivy, Evan, skipping the other end of the table and on to the left side is Lynn, Alan, Joan then me. The spare chair on my left side remains unseated. 

I looked over at the table and noticed that my mother has prepared a lot of dishes. Herbal soup, dyed red eggs, potstickers, dumplings, long life noodles, salt and pepper pork and water morning glory with tofu in oyster sauce. On top of my bowl is another hardboiled egg in which I know my mother gave it to me. Overall, breakfast was amazing, its been a long time since everyone would gather and celebrate the holiday or someone's birthday in the family. 

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