了1 ˣ 一

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italicized means words spoken in mandarin

My mother has awake all of us up and the house is once again busy. My father has not yet returned from Shanghai and Ivy has already left for France. Evan has already left for work but mother is so thankful for Philip for staying and helping before leaving for Romania...or was it Egypt this time, I honestly don't know. 

I got Vivi into her cage before placing out in the patio along with my other older sister's owls. Going back up inside my room to take my trunk outside. I held the handles and tried to lift up but it wouldn't lift a bit, I guess I must have brought a lot of books with me- 

"Wingardium leviosa" my trunk was instanly lifted up from my hands and started floating into mid air, my eyebrows scrunched up and watched as Philip takes my trunk downstairs. 

"A lifesaver you are" I chuckled before going to the dining table and joining them to eat. 

"Is that Jiang Ying Yue?!" 

"Look at her children!" 

"I heard that the youngest is the prettiest out of all her daughters" 

It isn't the first time I entered King's Cross Station, as a matter of fact, I've been here a couple of times before just to see my older siblings off. But now, it was my turn to follow them to platform 9 3/4. We got into the end of a pillar between the numbers 10 and 9. Lynn went through the platform first, followed by Alan and then Joan and my brother. I was about to cross the platform when I heard a shrill voice from behind. 

"Hello Ms Jiang! It is such an honor to meet you!" A plump, cherry faced woman with orange hair quickly brushed her hair to the side and shook hands with my mother. She was accompanied three children - one girl and two boys. Although the other boy has raven hair and glasses and kept staring at me too long for my liking. 

"Molly Weasley is it? I've always heard your name coming up when a new monthly article has been published. And please call me Jia instead. " Upon hearing my mother's words, Mrs Weasley's smile widened. Her eyes then darted to mine. 

"Is this your youngest?" She asks. I nodded my head happily. 

"Nice to meet you, Bella." She gushes, "My son Ron is also starting his first term this year too! He also already made a new friend here!" I slightly waved my hand at them and the boy with black hair and glasses blushed, both waving back at me. 

My mother then bids goodbye to Mrs Weasley before running to the platform with me. 

"I'll see you four on the holidays then" My mother is once again teary eyed as she kisses us in our foreheads. "Enjoy your first year, make a lot of friends and break a lot of hearts" she whispers in my ear before seeing us off, I waved back at Philip before boarding the train with my sisters. 

And that is when all of my sisters went into different directions inside the train once it starts to depart. Lynn went to the front, a special compartment that I didn't bother, Alan entering a compartment with a boy and that it's just the two of them. And Joan going over to where her friends are. And I'm left alone in a compartment. I took out the book that Evan gave me on my birthday, so far, I was enjoying the company that the book is giving me along with the sound of the train wheels and the air coming through the window. My moment of peace was suddenly disrupted when Blaise enters the compartment. 

"Do you wanna be a loner or something?" He asks, taking a seat in front of me. I was about to answer his question when Theo comes next. "I am getting dizzy looking for you lot and you're just here" he says, getting inside and taking a seat next to me. The three of us chatting and talking about how our summers went Daphne enters the compartment. "Can you believe that Pansy and Millicent excluded me from their circle? How rude." She huffs and takes a seat besides Blaise. We were all especially waiting for the trolley as we were enticed to eat candy, but three new people entered the compartment. 

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