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I woke up with a fresh start. First period became free to make way for the match between slytherin and gryffindor. Apart from me, someone else woke up with a much better mood. On my left side was Draco who was eager for today's game, saying how he couldn't wait to see Potter, falling off his broom and face flat on the pitch. I shook my head slowly and minded my breakfast while Daphne and I conversed on ourselves. 

"Hurry up lots or else we'd get bad seats." Pansy says before immediately taking Draco's hand and dragging him outside. But before Pansy could even drag him out, Draco caught a hold of my wrist and now each of us were dragging one another to the quidditch pitch. 

When we made it, the slytherin team were already making rounds in a uniformed position. Draco watched them with hope and a bit of sadness in his eyes. That was when I placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. "You can always make it to the team next year. If you do get in, I'll be cheering for you!" A tint of red spreads Draco's cheeks. 

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts' first quidditch game of the season! Today's game is slytherin versus gryffindor!" 

The two different houses were cheering, while I was only clapping my hands. Remembering how my mother taught me that shouting and howling were unlady like and should not be tolerated. But even though I was only clapping my hands, the slytherin flag that Pansy was waving violently pricked into my eye. I ended up crying a bit before Draco took the flag and tosses it away, examining my eye and telling me that it didn't look too bad. 

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game." The commentator, who I was told named Lee says. Apparently he's in Gryffindor too, so I am guessing his commentating skills are gonna biased. 

"Now I want a nice and clean game...from all of you." Madam Hooch says, taking one last look at the slytherin team before kicking the trunk, the bludger zooming out of it. 

"The bludgers are up...followed by the golden snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth a hundred and fifty points. The seeker who catches the snitch ends the game." 

Madam Hooch then grabs the quaffle and releases it. 

"The quaffle is released...and the game begins!" 

It was the gryffindor who had the possession of the ball, zooming pass the slytherins, before throwing the ball into the hoop. A ding sound resonates the pitch. 

"Angelina Johnson scores! Ten points to gryffindor!" 

"Slytherin takes possession of the quaffle. Bletchley passes to captain Marcus Flint" Flint dodges the gryffindors who got into his way and threw the ball into the hoop, only to be rejected by gryffindor's captain, Oliver Wood. 

Two gryffindors caught the quaffle and passed it to each other back and forth before one of them takes the quaffle and throws it into the hoop.

"Another ten points to gryffindor!" 

At this point, everyone from the slytherin stands were booing, cursing or dreading how gryffindor team were taking the lead by twenty points and the slytherin team has yet to score. 

"Give me that!" Flint takes a beaters bat and whacks a bludger directly to Oliver Wood who came falling out of his broom and down on the sandy ground. I scrunched up my face as the whole slytherin stands laugh at him. What caught our attention the most was when a slytherin tosses the quaffle inside the hoops and the ding sound resonates once more. 

"Ten points to slytherin!" 

"Take that side!" Flint orders and two from the slytherin team corner a gryffindor before sending her inside the capes covering the towers. The ding sound playing. 

"Another ten points to slytherin!" 

Finally the two teams were in the same score and Harry suddenly starts to head off as soon as he sees the snitch. However he stops midway when all of a sudden, his broom starts bucking and throwing him out. 

"What's happening to Harry's broom?" I asked, turning my head to face Draco, who was watching Harry with an amused expression. 

"I don't know but really, I'd be happy if he falls off his broom and lands face first." He chuckles and at that exact moment, Harry was thrown out of his broom, only dangling with one arm. 

"What is actually happening to him?" I asked, furrowing my brows. 

"Oh who cares Bella?" Draco sneers before turning to Crabbe and Goyle and laughing along with his goons. 

Harry's broom suddenly stops moving and finally was he able to get back up, smashing himself to Terrence Higgs. They suddenly flew down, following the snitch, but while all the way down, Higgs suddenly bucks his broom up and Harry tries to stand up from his broom, a few inches away from the snitch before he loses balance and falls face first on the ground. 

"Potter! You're giving us all a good laugh!" Draco laughs, as all did in the slytherin stands. Draco's laughter was infectious that I too ended up laughing along with everyone. Harry gets up on his feet and lurches, as if he was about to puke. Until he spat out something gold and shiny. Harry had caught the snitch. 

"He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives a hundred and fifty points for catching the snitch!" 

Madam Hooch comes around and blows on her whistle. "Gryffindor wins!" 

Everyone in the Gryffindor stands were cheering. Draco had his face in his hands and all I could do was slowly rub his back. 

"He didn't even catch it! He nearly swallowed it!" Flint protests, but no matter how much he protested against it, still, the gryffindor team won. 

Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to hours, Hours turned into a day. A day turned into a week and a week turned into months. And finally, the christmas holidays were approaching all of us. A layer of snow already falling on the ground and everyone in the friend group was ecstatic to come home and have a two week off from all the academic workload. 

I had finished packing a night before and I was ecstatic to spend the holidays with my family. Before heading down, Daphne and I made a promise to each other to write letters to one another during the holidays. 

As the two of us boarded the train, we found a vacant compartment and hurriedly occupied it. Since it was only the two of us, we gossiped about the different people in our year - how Pansy is too clingy to Draco, how Hermione explains everything verbatimly until the door to our compartment swings open and Blaise walks in. 

"Mental this one" He uses his thumb to point at an almost fuming Draco behind him. "If I were you Bella, I'd tell him everything on what I'd do" He chuckles, taking a seat besides Daphne. Draco takes a seat beside me and turns to face me. "Were you really going to leave without saying goodbye?" 

I turned my head to face him with a disbelief. "I couldn't find you earlier and I would not risk losing this compartment. Besides, we'll see each other during the holidays. Are you going to miss me that much?" I smiled, leaning close to Draco before he turns his head. Deep down, I knew he can never get mad at me and he'd quickly accept my apology. 

As we arrived in the platform, Draco helps me step down by holding my hand. I couldn't help but notice how he was blushing while holding my hand. I found him cute for that. 

"There you are darlings" Mrs Malfoy- I mean Narcissa greeted us and took the both of us in a hug as he bends down to our level. And behind her was my mother, in all black. 

"Mother!" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. 

"I'll be seeing you soon then?" Draco asks, instead of hugging him, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "We'll see each other again. Don't count the days or else they'll feel too long." I smiled at him and waved my hand, hugging Narcissa once more before the two of them left the platform. 

My older sisters Joan, Alan and Lynn finally found me and mother and engulfed her too in a hug. Finally, the five of us apparate back to Chu Manor. 

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