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That afternoon, we all went outside of the castle and into the grass fields for our first flying lesson. Two straight lines where formed, one for gryffindor and one for slytherin. I was situated in between Daphne and Draco. 

"Good afternoon, class" Madam Hooch says, walking in between the line. 

"Good afternoon, Madam Hooch" we all responded back. 

"Good afternoon, Amanda. Good afternoon. Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick. Come on now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say, up!" 

We all stood on the left side of our brooms, sticking our hands out. "Up" I said, but the broom didn't even move a single inch. 

"Up!" Draco's broomstick instantly flies up to his hand. I scrunched my face as I turned to face him, but he gave me a smug grin. 

"With feeling" Madam Hooch says. 

"Up. Up. Up. Up." I huffed as I continue saying it but the broom still didn't move an inch. "Up!" I said and all of a sudden, the broom lifts up from the ground and into my hand. 

"Draco did you see that? Did you see that?!" I gushed happily as I jumped to his side before getting embarrassed and going back to my spot. 

"Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end." My ears perked up when I heard a low chuckle from Draco. I turned to face him and mouthed 'what' but he shook his head instead. I mounted on the broom instead. 

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your broom steady,  hover for a moment, and then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle...3...2..." as soon as Madam Hooch blows onto her whistle, a gryffindor named Neville Longbottom suddenly lifts up from the ground. 

"Mr Longbottom" Madam Hooch eyes him. But Neville has a frightened expression on his face as he continues to be lifted off the ground. 

"M-M-Mr Longbottom. Mr Longbottom!" 

All of a sudden, Neville's own broom had a mind of its own and starts to fly at an unbelievable speed in the air. Hitting the wall, going up and down as he's being swooped in the air all the while he's screaming. I folded a hand over my chest and covered my mouth as I tried to contain my laughter. When I couldn't, I laughed under my breath at his misfortune kept going. All of a sudden, Neville comes flying to us and Madam Hooch took her wand out but lept away, a blond mop of air instantly moves to my front as if taking the blow for me. 

I looked up and saw Neville zoomed past the statue onto the sharp spear. His cloak catches the edges and has him dangling until one by one the material gets slowly ripped and fell into the ground. 

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch order as she runs towards Neville. She swoops him in her arms and slightly gets him up. 

"Owowowow" Neville cries

"Oh oh oh. It's a broken wrist. Good boy, come on now, up you get." 

Draco who is just besides me reaches down and take a remembrall from I don't even know who. 

"That isn't yours to begin with" I said, folding my arms around the broom I'm using. 

"At least let me have a little fun" He grumbles, I rolled my eyes and went over to where Daphne is. We sat down on the grass, Blaise and Theo sitting next to us from behind. 

"Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can even say quidditch." As Neville gets back to his feet, Madam Hooch escorts him away, still holding onto his wrist. 

"Did you see his face? Maybe if that fat lump gave this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse." Draco, Crabbe and Goyle snickered. I shook my head as I heard him. 

"When is he going to stop being like this?" I asked as the four of us continued to watch the group huddling around them. 

"Six more years to go, I believe" Blaise says, we all chuckled. 

"Give it here, Malfoy" Harry says, approaching him. 

"No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He hops onto his broom and circles around us. "How about on the roof?" He goes up further in the air. "What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" He taunts him. 

Harry was about to mount on his broom when he was stopped. "Harry no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides, you don't even know how to fly!" Apparently her words ate her as Harry flies up in a steady pace. 

"What an idiot" she mumbles. 

"Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom!" 

"Is that so?" Draco asks mockingly and as Harry makes a dash for him, he does a 360 on his broom. My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to Blaise and Theo. 

"How can he do that?" I asked, surprise and shock evident in my voice. 

"Well, Bella, we all know how Draco is talented when it comes to riding a broom." Theo says. Maybe Theo only knows since I've never seen him with a broom until now. 

"Have it your way then" then Draco throw away the remembrall. Harry speeding up from his behind to take the ball. He catches it immediately before it could hit the window and flew back to the grounds. The rest of the class ran towards him, cheering him. I rolled my eyes again and stood up from the grass, brushing away the grass from my uniform before walking up to Draco. 

"And what was that for? What if Madam Hooch sees you and gets you out of school?" I asked, huffing afterwards. 

"Just say you'll miss me and we can finally get on because look!" Draco points at something, I turned around and found Professor McGonagall walking up to them. 

"Harry Potter? Follow me" She says and turns back towards the castle with Harry glumly following her. Draco and his goons snicker at the sight. 

A little while from earlier, Draco smugly grins as his broom flies up to his hand. He always knew that he has the ability to fly after being trained by a professional quidditch trainer when he was young. He has the dreams of playing quidditch and giving the first snitch he catches to Bella. 

Speaking of Bella, he turns to look at her and watches her as she unluckily makes the broom fly up to her hand. He knew she was scared of flying and flying lessons already scared her. 

He covers his mouth with his hand, "Levo" he mumbles and watches as the broom on the ground flies up to Bella's hand. 

"Draco did you see that? Did you see that?!"Bella jumps towards his side while holding onto the broom. He smiled at her as his heart made a leap. He was half expecting that Bella would go over to Daphne as she is her best friend, but he was surprised when she turned to him. A soft chuckle escaping his lips when Bella blushed and went back to her spot when she realized that she was the only one rejoicing how her broom finally listened to her command. Obviously, he wouldn't tell her what really happened. 

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