11 | She's Back

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Alaksa's POV~

"Heyy baee." I said to Jacob as he grabbed my hand. He smiled comfortingly.

"Hey Ally." He sighed, rubbing his thumb back and fourth on my hand. 

"What's wrong?" I said, laying on my back. He sighed again, but I couldn't tell if it was mad or sad.

"Jess keeps texting me that she wants me back and she's sorry for cheating on me, that it was a mistake and I don't know how to feel about it." He told me. I looked down.

Envy flowed through my veins as I felt as though Jacob would pick her over me. She's beautiful, funny, outgoing, genius, she can sing and dance, she's like..perfect for him. And I'm not any of those things. He didn't say anything after that. He didn't as why I suddenly stopped laying on him or why I seemed sad. I wanted him to care but I didn't want to say it or seek for attention. I noticed he was smiling at something that wasn't me. His phone. 

I looked over his arm to see who he was texting. My heart dropped at her name. Jess.

He was texting Jess and he was smiling and it was incredibly silent in my room besides the notifications beeping through the air. 

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom. Don't look at my phone, okay?" He said, walking out of my room and shut the door. I waited a while before running up and locking it. His phones beeped again. I grabbed it slowly and swiped up to the beginning of the conversation.

Jess: Jacob, please understand I never meant to cheat on you. It was a huge mistake and I know I never should've done it because who would ever cheat on someone like you?? I know you think it was on purpose but it wasn't. Daniel's friend told him to pick the most attractive person in the room and stay in the hallway for 5 minutes, doing whatever he wants. He chose me, and he decided to make-out with me. I always follow the rules Jacob and I did this time. You just so happened to walk in at that time and I've been trying to explain it to you but I couldn't. Jacob, please, I love you and I really want you back. ??

Jacob: Jess, I know you probably asked him to kiss you. But it's ok. I'm with Alaska now. I love her, deal with it.

Jess: You don't understand. I have been crying for the last few days or so, begging my mom to just get rid of me. Jacob, we don't have to be together, but can we at least be friends?

Jacob: Hmm..okay :)

Jess: Omg ilysm (as a friend) thank you

Jacob: No problem how are you

Jess: Better now than I'm talking to you :)

Jacob: Awwh you make me smile ^-^ 

Jess: Haha awh

Jacob: Tbh I miss you

Jess: I miss you too :'( How's you and Alaska's relationship?

Jacob: It's good, I feel weird though. 

Jess: How come?

Jacob: Idk how to explain it. 

Jess: Awhh well I'm sure you guys have it great

Jacob: Not as great as us ;)

Jess: Haha yeah cx

Jacob: Brb bathroom

Jess: Kkay

"Alaska, open the door!" I didn't realize Jacob was frantically knocking on the door, yelling at me to open it and tugging on the doorknob. I felt sadness and anger and jealousy go through me. I wanted to cry. I can't let myself cry, I can't-

I can't do it. I threw Jacob's phone back on the bed and covered my face with my hands, bawling my eyes out. I can't do this, I don't want this, I don't want him to choose her, I love Jacob.

"Alaska!!" Jacob screamed louder, more frantically beating on the door. Soon enough, he unlocked it with a key my mom probably gave him. Did he run to me first? Noo, he ran to his phone and checked it. 

"Alaska..please, don't think I like her." He said, putting his hand on my back. I wiped my eyes and glared at him.

"You broke up with her Jacob, and you automatically forgive her." I said, making him glare back at me.

"I love you Alaska, more than anything. But jesus, if you're gonna be like this then shit." He said. We've only been together for a few days. I didn't respond. Neither did he.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Same." He said back. I honestly didn't know what to do now. It was an awkward silence in my room until Jacob's phone dinged. I grabbed it for him.

Jess: Jacobb, where did you go :'C

Jacob (Alaska): Listen bitch, Jacob isn't here right now because he's spending time with me. His girlfriend. You aren't his gf, so back off slut. Go flirt with someone else 

Jess: Jeez no wonder he hates you, dumbass

I sighed and gave it to him to read. He rolled his eyes and stuffed it in his pocket. I remembered Jacob was spending the night.

"Did you..did you bring your things." I said softly. He nodded as a response. Oh, the tension. I didn't have anyone to talk to right now, so I texted the only person I can think of.

From: Alaska

Look I don't really wanna talk to you but I have no one else so hey loser

I waited for about 5 minutes in silnce before my phone dinged, and I saw something I did not approve of.

From: Ex-best friend

Hey white girl.


Sorry it's really short I have no ideas lmao so this is more of a filler chapter

Hope you kinda liked it at least 

Byee ~ Sydney xx

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