10 | The Night with Him

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Alaska's POV~

"Get your stuff ready." My mom said after a couple minutes. I looked at the time. 5?

"Where are we going?" I asked confused. She smiled.

"You'll see."


Moments later and I found my mom and I sitting by an unforgivable house.

"You didn't..No. No, nope, I'm not going." I said, crossing my arms and sulking back in the front seat.

"Yes, you are, or you're grounded. They invited us. Jesus, I thought you guys were friends?" My mom said, watching as I slowly crept outside the car.

"Fine." I scoffed, walking with my mom towards the door.

"Hello Korra. hello Alaska. Come on in, Shawn is in his room." Mrs. Mendes said. I politely smiled at her.

"I think I'm going to be staying down here." I said. Mrs. Mendes sighed.

"Shawn! Take Alaska to the movies or something." She yelled. I crossed my arms and signalled my mom that I didn't want to. She rolled her eyes and walked away with Shawn's mom.

"Where's Jacob?" Shawn scoffed, shutting the door as we went outside, the cold breeze slapping me in the face.

"Your mom didn't invite Jacob, did she? Shut up, Shawn." I murmured.

"Don't think that because you and Jacob have such a good friendship, I won't stop talking to him and the guys." Shawn said.I chuckled a little, causing him to glare at me.

"You actually think they like you? Grow up." I said. We weren't going anywhere specific, just a walk.

"Well, yeah. I mean, Jacob told me this over the phone.." Shawn started, pulling out a recorder.

I'm not even supposed to tell anyone this but Alaska and I are going out. I do and don't want to be in a relationship with her.

Why'd you tell me? And why do you and do you not?

Well, I think I can trust you. And she can be too clingy and clueless and annoying and boring, but she's also caring and gorgeous and giving and funny. But I feel like..I feel like I'm chained down to only her. Like I'm a prisoner..

Shawn stopped there. watching as I sat silent. He had a self-satisfying smirk on his face.

"That's..no he didn't say that." I said, not trusting the recorder Shawn had. But it sounded so much like Jacob, how could it not be? All the bad things he said were true..

"Yes, he did. I'm sorry Ally." Shawn replied. I gave him a glare.

"Do not call me Ally. Only my friends call me Ally and you sir, are far from it." I said, and began to walk away. I didn't hear Shawn reply and I didn't hear him walk closer to me, so I din't look back. He's going back home anyways.

"I need to text Jacob..I still have the recorder and I could send Jacob a voice message of it." I said to myself. I got out my phone and sat on a nearby bench in front of a park. Am I that far away already? Well, since the park is right behind me, I might as well sit where no one can see me. The slide.

A: Jacob? Are you there?
J: Yeah, hi.
A: Wyd?
J: Chillin wby
A: Just ahh at the park
J: What why
A: To get some air I guess..
J: Are you ok
A: Yeah..are you ok with coming to the park for a bit?
J: Yeah. The one by your house?
A: No, the one by Shawn's.
J: Oh. Um ok
A: Yeah thanks
J: No problem

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