02 | Awkward Encounters

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After school, Ziana suggested that she come over to my house. Jacob and I liked that idea, so I called my mom and told her my friends were coming over.


As Jacob, Ziana and I started walking to my house, my mom called me again. She only really talked about to not be too loud blah blah blah.

I opened the door and heard claws against the wooden floor. I looked around and saw my Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, Luna, run across the floor. She slid around and almost fell a few times, but Jacob picked her up.

"Of all the times I've came over, I've never seen this dog. I've seen Ruffy, but not this." Ruffy is the family dog, a German Shepard. It's true that Jacob has never seen Luna, though. Ziana has.

"This is Luna." I said, taking my dog from Jacob's hand. "She's actually mine, not the family's."

"Well, she's really cute." He said. Ziana shifted uncomfortably. She hasn't said anything yet. I took her hand and dragged her to my room, shutting the door.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Nothing. I just don't know what to say." She said awkwardly. Oh.

"Oh, sorry. Let's go get some food." I suggested. Ziana nodded and we were halfway down the stairs when I heard Jacob talking to someone.

"No, I love you more." He said. I could hear the smile he was wearing.

"Noo, I love you more." He said again. I came down and realized he was on the phone. He looked at me when I came down and began talking again.

"Hey, I have to go okay? Talk to you soon." He said to the phone, then putting it away. I sighed.

"You know just cause we come down here that doesn't mean you have to stop talking to Jess." I said. He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and took Ziana to the kitchen.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Umm..do you have any Pringles?" She asked. I nodded and gave her the can. She went upstairs to my room and left me alone. I turned around and saw Jacob siting on the table, his head resting on his hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, making him jump.

"I'm really tired." He responded, stretching. He gave me a smile. "Other than that, nothing." He's lying.

"At least it's a Saturday tomorrow." I told him. He nodded. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room, where Ziana was. I shut the door behind me.

"What do you guys want to do?" Ziana asked. Jacob shrugged.

"Umm..how about Balloon Dares?" I suggested. Ziana and Jacob cocked their heads to the side. I sighed.

"It's when you put dares in balloons and pop them once they're blown up, and whatever your dare says you have to do." I explained.

"Ooh" Jacob and Ziana said in unison.

"But we might need one more person, so should I call Shawn?" I asked. They both nodded. I grabbed the phone and looked through my contacts until I saw "Best Friend 1 😂🙊💕", which was Shawn. I called him and the phone rang about 3 times before a slightly annoyed Shawn answered the phone.

"What." He said. He was on speaker, so Ziana and Jacob could hear what he says. They looked at each other.

"Want to come over?" I asked a little more quietly. I heard him sigh on the other line.

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