09 | Six Flags

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Alaska's POV~

I had no clue Jacob liked me. I always thought he was just being a friendly best friend. But he didn't know I liked him either, and that's what I'd hoped for.

"Alaska?" Jacob said, as we were walking back to my house. I turned my head towards him, thinking it was going to be a really personal statement. "What's your favorite color?"

"Oh my gosh, white and baby blue." I giggled. He smiled at me. "Just making sure I was right." He responded, making me laugh again.

"Your smile is adorable." He said soflty, making my hairs stand up. Oh god, he likes me more. I thought I did and I hoped I did but nothing I can say or do will prove it.

"Let's watch a movie, yeah?" He responded to his last statement.

"What's up with you and movies?" I giggled, making him shake his head.

"Okay, let's go to Six Flags. Might as well enjoy winter break." He smiled. His voice is Jesus.


"Jacob, I can't do this." I whimpered, about to ride Superman. Neither of us have never ridden it before, and he suggested that we should.

"Yes you can, just..hold my hand. Don't shut your eyes, it makes it worse." He said, comforting me. I nodded and grabbed onto his hand. We hopped into the cart for two and I squeezed his hand tighter. I have never been so afraid.

"Jacob, what if I like..throw up or die?" I said, making him laugh. I gave him a glare. This is no laughing matter.

"You'll be fine, babe." He said. I was taken aback. Babe? We aren't dating though..yet.

"I-I'm sorry. Forget I said babe." He said, looking at the little car that was in front of us. Before I knew it, the ride took off.

We were spun around, we did loopty'loop things, we went up and down, and we went backwards. By the time I was done, I was jumping with adrenaline.

"Let's go again!" I quickly ran out the little gate thing. Jacob followed slowly, his face distorted a bit.

"Oh Jesus, I need to rest first." He said, taking a seat on the nearest bench. I felt bad that he felt this way.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my over protective side coming out. He shook his head and ran to the bathroom. Aw, wittle Jacob.

A few minutes later, he came back out.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. I threw my arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay, I should be the one apologizing. Where to next?" I responded. He thought for a while.

"Let's go see the giraffes." He said. Giraffes are my favorite animals, so of course he'd choose them.

As we were walking, there were tonson signs that said my name and there were hearts and cute quotes and the signs were painted my favorite color.

When we reached the giraffe pen, there was a hug white and blue sign being held my two giraffes.

"Oh, a wonderful sign made just for you. How nice." Jacob said, making me run ahead. The sign read:

I love you so much, Ally. Be mine?

Tears were begging to get out of my eyes but I didn't let them. I ran up and hugged Jacob.

"Oh, yes!" I said, my voice muffled by his coat. Several people "aww'd" and camera flashes were seen. Then, fireworks began to go off. Oh god, I have never been so happy.

"I love you, Alaska." Jacob said, hugging me tight.

"I love you too." I cried. We hugged for a while.

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