Chapter 2

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None of the characters are mine, nor are the images.
i've chosen to do saikis thoughts in italic and everyone else's in '...'

Saiko's POV:

After i heard about Teruhashi having a crush on someone i decided to have her followed by one of my men, who will keep her safe as well as fine this crush of hers. I want to find out who her crush is, i'll have them destroyed instantly. I cannot have anyone take away my Kokomi from me, that included her brother, i knew he had intentions and i can destroy his career in an instant. There isn't anything that money cannot buy. Besides that, I grew closer and closer to the pink haired boy i met on my first day here, he's strange. This boy, Kusuo Saiki, has many friends, but he rarely responded or seemed interested in anything they had to say. This led me to consider that he could be Teruhashi's crush, but i doubt it, Saiki doesn't seem interested in her and he avoids her at every cost. He's reliable.

Narrators POV:

For the next few days Saiko continued to study Teruhashi's movements. He asked her on a date to show her the high life, to which Teruhashi accepted. Excited for the date he took her to a high class restaurant with 5 star meals, although Saiko thought that there wasn't anything between them, but chose to ignore this. Of course Saiki was following them, in fact he was sat right next to Teruhashi although they couldn't see him as he was invisible.'I don't have any connection with her, she clearly isn't interested in me.' Saiko's thoughts overpowered the rest.

Saiki's POV:

I feel bad for Saiko. Saiko is Teruhashi's dream man, but she's stuck on a one sided love with me. Seeing how awfully the date turned out Saiki chose to check the favourability meter, this was one of Saikis powers which made a common occurrence. Saiko's likability score on how much he liked her was up to a 95. This is rather high considering how Teruhashi is the perfect girl. Then it was Teruhashi's turn, her likability for Saiko was at a 50. Is there a way for this to improve? 'Oh wow that coffee jelly looks great' said Teruhashi's thoughts excitedly, she was staring at the coffee jelly on the table across from the one they were sat at. This is a great chance, i can get Teruhashi to fall for Saiko, i thought to myself with intentions of seeing this plan through to the end. This means she will be away from me. I closed my eyes and smiled, while imagining a great life without Teruhashi and her crazy fans following my every move.

Saiko's POV:

I was staring at Teruhashi but she seemed to have her mind occupied by something else, her vision focused on the table across from us. 'Could this man be her crush?' my thoughts echoing in my head as my heart shattered into pieces. Suddenly my thoughts were overrun by a voice much louder than my original thoughts, 'Coffee jelly.' The voice sounded like someone i knew but i latched onto the idea that Teruhashi may want coffee jelly. "Hey Teruhashi, would you like some coffee jelly?" I said to her softly. Teruhashi's face lit up and she nodded. I ordered us some coffee jelly and i enjoyed watching her eat it speedily with excitement, although i thought she was definitely very pretty, something felt different. There isn't a spark between us. 'Nope! Without a doubt she is definitely the person for me! There's nobody better than me.' He thought while shaking his head trying to dismiss any negative thoughts.

Saiki's POV:

Her likability for Saiko went up to 60, it may not be much but this is the best i can do for now. With that being said Saiki teleported back home and daydreamed of coffee jelly. With the odd use of clairvoyance to check up on how the date was going incase of emergency. The date didn't last much longer after Saiki left and 20 minutes later he used clairvoyance to see that Saiko sent Teruhashi away in his limousine, while he walked home. I teleported hidden in an alleyway and walked out to face Saiko looking down. I wonder what is wrong with him. The date went perfectly fine from what i saw through clairvoyance.

Saiko's POV:

Feeling down over how the date went, i still couldn't fully get rid of the thoughts, she has a crush on someone else. How could this be possible. I wondered to myself 'That wasn't the best, she should be head over heels inlove with me. Other girls are, but why isn't she?' I thought to myself, staring at the ground. It was at that moment i collided with Saiki. "Oh saiki, hey what are you doing here? I've had a rough day, would you like to get coffee jelly with me?" i said to Saiki with a smile on my face. Saiki nodded and we walked back into the cafe and sat there with our coffee jellies.

Narrators POV:

They both sat there eating their coffee jelly's, Saiki and Saiko both talked about everything and anything, about school, home, hobbies and even family members. Saiko even managed to get a smile out of Saiki, this of course made his cheeks turn red, Saiko couldn't understand why he felt weird around Saiki. However he knew this was different to how Teruhashi and Saiko's  date went, this seemed better. Though Saiko still couldn't stop thinking about Teruhashi and how she's inlove with someone else.

Saiko's POV:

"Hey saiki, don't you think this is like a date?" I said awkwardly. "I suppose so, don't you have your heart set on Teruhashi?" I looked down at the table, cowering down to those words that Saiki just spoke. 'I'm sure saiki could see my reaction to that.' i thought, with negative feelings surrounding me. Saiki seemed to know me better than everyone else, which is strange, i've only just met him. 'Although i suppose we're friends, maybe i'll talk to him more in school'

Narrators POV:

He was in fact correct, Saiki knew the date didn't go as he expected. "Hey would you like to walk home together?" said Saiki with a bright smile on his face, this once again made Saiko blush a deep red colour. Saiko nodded enthusiastically, and with that the two walked home together.

Saiko's POV:

I started to edge my hand closer to Saiki's with my hand brushing against his, hoping he would respond. I couldn't tell you why i did this, my body moved on its own, i'm drawn to Saiki for some unknown reason. Saiki looked down at our hands and he finally decided to act, he held my hand with a firm grip. I turned away as my cheeks grew hot, i could tell i was blushing, i didn't want Saiki to see this.

Saiki's POV:

I knew Saiko was blushing. I heard his every thought, He's somewhat cute. My thoughts interrupted and stopped me dead in my tracks. Did i really just think that? No, surely not, i'm sure this is just me taking pity upon him. "Hey saiki, are you alright?" Said Saiko, noticing Saiki's sudden stop. I nodded, hoping he wouldn't ask anything else. With that being said we walked a little more until we had reached Saiko's giant mansion. Saiko once again blushing and looking away. I could tell he was preparing himself to ask a question, i just didn't know what that would be. "Hey saiki... Would you like to come in...?" Said Saiko, with his smug egotistical attitude gone, he was much better this way.

Thank you for reading!!
i hope there's no errors and i hope you enjoyed.

discord: Tr4shy__ zOmb133zz#4067
(Two underscores and O is a zero)

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