Chapter 5

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I don't own any of the characters.

Saiki's POV:

Ew! What the hell?! Did Teruhashi just kiss me.
Saiki covered his mouth with his sleeve and ran off to the kitchen.
Teruhashi followed me, smiling.
She thought i liked it, and that i'm panicking since someone so 'perfect and pretty as her kissed me'.
Truth is that i'm disgusted.
That women doesn't take a hint, that i don't like her at all.
I sighed and walked to the tap and ran it.
I wet a clothes and scrubbed my lips as much as i could, trying to forget that Teruhashi ever kissed me.
I used telepathy to tell Saiko to come here.
By this point he knew about my powers, and unexpectedly didnt mind.

Narrators POV:

Saiko arrived at the house, pissed off.
He knocked down the door, well kicked it, but Saiki's powers opened the door for him.
Teruhashi was shocked, frozen in fear.


-How do YOU know i kissed Saiki! Didnt you see he was asking for it?

-No i wasn't Teruhashi, youre delusional.

Teruhashi stood there, with her eyes wide open.
Saiko walked up to Teruhashi.
He smacked her, leaving a red mark on her cheek, making her begin to start crying.
Teruhashi smacked Saiko back.
They both began to kick and scratch at eachother.
In a pathetic fight, it's like Kaidou vs Kaidou thought Saiki, quietly laughing to himself at his last remark.
Saiki knew if he didn't stop the fight eventually there would be some blood shed.
They're both just as powerful as eachother, in fact i came to believe that Teruhashi is much more powerful than Saiko.
Money can buy everything, but Teruhashi's good lucks could probably change the mind of all of his body guards.
They stopped fighting after a few minutes of clawing at eachother.
Teruhashi was panting and sat on top of Saiko.
Her mind racing at the thought she messed up.
Saiko shoved Teruhashi off him and quickly stormed over to Saiki.
Saiko grabbed Saiki's shirt and pulled him down so their faces meet.
He then kissed Saiki deeply, and Saiki kissed him back.
Saiko looked back at Teruhashi giving her a smug grin, telling her he's claimed his property.
Saiki smiled, knowing what he was doing to hurt Teruhashi.
Teruhashi ran out crying, with her sleeves covering her face.
As she slammed the door shut behind her.
Both the two boys left alone in the house, heard Teruhashis cry's, wailing down the street.
When they could no longer hear her, they began to kiss again.
No longer hesitant, about their feelings.
Saiki grabbed Saiko and shoved him onto the sofa, still kissing him passionately.
He slowly introduced his tongue and began to explore every inch of Saiko's mouth.
Saiki slowly put his hand under Saiko's shirt and began to bring it up to his chest.
Saiko broke the kiss quickly.

-Saiki you of all people know, we can't do this.

-I guess so.

Saiki moved away from Saiko disappointed about having to stop.
He ignored his depressive thoughts and turned the tv on, to a random channel.
They both cuddled up, surrounded in blankets they watched the movie for a few minutes but the two soon drifted off into a sleep.
with their heads leant against eachother, the two slept soundly to the background noise of a movie.

The next day they both woke up, it was a sunday.

They both spent the day on a date, first they went to the park and talked about life, interests and much more.
They got ice creams, Saiki smiled at Saiko.
The two sat down on a bench.
He knew his feelings for saiko were strong, but he didn't know how Saiko felt about him too.
Saiki worried about how Saiko felt for Teruhashi.
Then again they did fight.

-Saiki? What are you thinking about? Your ice cream is melting.

Saiki, still lost in thought.
Stared off into space thinking about Saiko and Teruhashi.

Saiko didn't like this, he shuffled around trying to get Saiki's attention.
Repeatedly saying his name, begging for his attention.
Saiko had enough and sat on Saiki's lap, with his arms wrapped around his neck.


Saiki instantly snapped out of the trance he was in.
He looked at Saiko confused as how they ended up like this.
He put the ice cream in the bin using his powers.
Saiko smiled and put his head on Saiki's shoulder and fell asleep.
Saiki leant his head on Saiko and he too fell asleep.
The two sat on a bench as the sun sets, asleep.
A few minutes later, Teruhashi walked past to see the couple asleep on a bench, she was infuriated.

-Saiki is mine!

Teruhashi muttered to herself.
She has to come up with a plan, one so good that Saiko can't buy his way out of.
The perfect pretty girl will not go unnoticed she thought to herself.
She started muttering idea after idea of how to get back at the two.
Teruhashi didn't realise all her yapping woke up the psychic.
Saiki kept his eyes shut to convince her she was being discreet.
Teruhashi stormed away to her house, still spouting ideas on how to get back at the two.
It was at that moment she came up with the perfect plan, and she ran home to write her idea down.

Sorry this is shorter than usual :)

discord: Tr4shy__ zOmb133zz#4067
(Two underscores and O is a zero)

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