Chapter 10

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The three students were the centre of attention, everyone was approaching them and asking questions.
Saiki didn't like to draw attention to himself, but Teruhashi agreed to handle it.
The goddess of the school, Teruhashi, was able to charm everyone with her angelic smile.
Nobody could escape her beautiful looks.

The three agreed to meet up at lunch time, which allowed them to talk about their next plan.
Teruhashi would occasionally visit her brother, today being one of those days.
This meant that the two lovers were sharing a mansion, alone.

After a day filled with questions and dirty looks from the boys, the three walked.
Teruhashi split off halfway through, and the two boys stayed quiet.
It was a comfortable silence.
Both taking in the atmosphere, breathing in the fresh air.

"Hey Saiki, i'm sorry we have to go through this.." Saiko spoke, clearly something on his mind.

Saiki didn't have the energy to talk, school and having to answer the questions had drained him.
He didn't want to make the silver haired boy feel any worse, so he gave a reassuring smile.
Placing his hand gently on top of the others shoulder.
The smile spread, Saiko's face instantly lit up.

While the two were walking, Saiki noticed they were being followed.
Saiki glared at the two, who 'sneakily' trailed behind.
Saiko was blabbering on, the pink haired boy wasn't really paying attention to him.
The psychic stopped in his tracks.

"I'm gonna go back to my house for the day, we're being followed." Saiki said, showing no expression as usual.

Saiko nodded, and waved goodbye.
Saiko waved back and headed towards his own house, pulling his cell phone out of his pocket, texting the other a '<3'.
The two photography club members split up, both sniffing around for any scoop they can get.

Saiki telepathically warned Saiko that one would be following him.
Teruhashi had it easy this time.
The two boys quickly rushed home, not wanting to waste any time.
When they reached home, both slammed the doors shut, practically unintentionally mirroring the others actions.

Saiko texted Saiki saying he's home, and Saiki replied stating he is also home.
The pink haired boy sighed in relief.
He hated the unnecessary attention, and his anger began to grow.
Which quickly stopped when two familiar figures ran up to him, hugging him tightly.

"We missed you!!" His parents yelled, not letting go.

Saiki stayed quiet, but gently smiled.
The two quickly let go, noticing their sons smiling face.
Both gasped, and dramatically fell to the floor.
The two were rolling around, screaming about something, which Saiki couldn't understand, but found annoying.


The psychic was confused, and just stood there.
His mother grabbed his wrist and began to pull him to the dining table.
She sat him down, and made some tea for all of them.
After that, sat down, wanting to have a serious discussion.

"Whos made you this happy?! Is it the person you're living with? How come you never showed us your home? When can we meet this person?" His mom ranted, continuing to ask questions.

Saiki groaned.
He didn't want to listen to it, so answered every question she asked.

"It's the guy i live with, i haven't showed you because you'll beg to move in, you can meet him whenever." His voice was monotone.

After a few hours of chatting, it was time for the psychic to return to the mansion.
The parents wanted to see it, so Saiki allowed them to drive him home, although it was unnecessary.

When the parents came onto the street they saw all the houses we're huge mansions.
One undoubtedly larger than the rest, which was Saiko's.

"Oh, i think i took a wrong turn..." The dad spoke, giving an awkward laugh.

He faced back to look at his son who just pointed to the largest mansion.
Both of the parent's jaws dropped, and dramatically wiped a tear away from their faces.

"Our son is finally grown up!" Both cried.

They drove up to the gate, and got let in.
When they parked up, the dad begged to see the person he was living with.
Saiki allowed them to come in, but not for too long.

Saiko knew this day would come, and was prepared for the worst.
He layed out fancy treats, and tea, awaiting for the arrival.
When the two parents walked in, their eyes seemed to sparkled as they observed everything possible.
Until they reached the room which Saiko was in.

"Hello, nice to meet you all" Saiko spoke, proudly as usual.

Saiki sighed, while his partner gave a smug grin at the other.
The four sat down and started talking, when Teruhashi came angrily into the room, rubbing her eyes.

"Shut u-" She spoke but instantly realised they had visitors.

The room fell silent as Teruhashi quickly cheered up, putting her fakest smile on.

"Hiii!" She gleamed.

As Saiki's mom and Teruhashi walked into another room, to gossip.
Saiki got closer and snuggled up to Saiko.
He wanted his cuddles, but knew they wouldn't get any alone time.
Saiko smiled and wrapped his arm around the others waist.

They all continued on the conversation as usual.
Saiki fell asleep, his head on the others shoulder.
The parents had decided it was late, and head back home.
Saiko swooped up Saiki, holding him bridal style and carried him to his room.

When he set the other on the bed and tucked him in.
Saiki grabbed his wrist, holding the silver haired boy back.
Saiki pulled Saiko into the bed, and snaked his arm around the others waist where they fell asleep.

Unfortunately for them, the photography club hadn't given up, and were waiting outside the windows, peering into each one, hopping for an interesting story.
Until they had reached the window of Saiki's room.
They instantly snapped some photos of the two sleeping, and ran away preparing for their next story.

I had absolutely no motivation while writing omg

Sorry this one is kinda trashy tbh but i'm struggling to find the energy to write rn

But hey here's my discord, leave suggestions or messages. anything really 👨‍🦽

 anything really 👨‍🦽

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