Chapter 9

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As the father walked into the room, slamming on the door.
There was Saiki.

-And who might you be?


The dad looked back at the two with a concerned look.
Of course he knew who Saiki actually was, but wanted his son to tell him himself.
The dad was against gay people, but if his son truly loved this person.
Then he had settled that so be it.
First he needed proof.

Saiki knew his plan and was determined, although he could use his powers, Saiki wanted to do this the fair way.
Therefore he had began his task as soon as the father walked through the door.

Saiko looked at Saiki and thought 'Why didn't you hide.'
Saiko knew his partner could hear him.
The pink haired boy shot a smirk, which angered Saiko.
Whereas Teruhashi gave a cold neutral look, she wasn't bothered unless Saiki was in true danger.
But she knew his dad wouldn't do anything.

-Dad, it's nothing. Uh- My friend needed a place to stay.

The dad shot a look asking for Teruhashi to either confirm or deny.
She didn't speak, and instead pulled her phone out and began to text Imu.
Saiko's father sighed and decided to stay quiet, awaiting an answer.
Until Saiki broke it, he knew this affected Saiko, so lied.

-I'm a friend of Teruhashi's, actually i'm dating her best friend.

The entire room knew it was a lie but chose to accept it anyway.
Saiko's dad started walking out the room and shouted very well.
Soon the doors could be heard shutting and the gates outside squeaked indicating he had left.
All in the room gave a sigh of relief.

Saiki wanted what was best for his partner, and therefore, lied.
But he knew the security cameras the dad had placed would be enough.
Although Saiko didn't know about them, he felt like Teruhashi may have caught on.

Teruhashi hated it here, she was only here for Saiki.
She sighed and walked back to her room, on her phone.
She was on call the Imu, a short blonde haired girl who she was close to.
Her voice echoed through the wide halls, letting everyone hear everything.

Saiko shot Saiki a death glare.
Where Saiki gave a soft smile back, not wanting to anger the other any more.
A smile soon crept onto the shorter boys face.
As he jumped into Saiki's arms, causing both of them to fall to the floor.
Saiko was on top of Saiki, and just layed his head onto the others chest.

The pink haired boy smiled and started to run his fingers through Saiko's hair.
Minutes later soft snores could be heard from Saiko.
Saiki teleported them onto his bed, not wanting to wake up the other.
He used his abilities to pull a blanket over the two.
To which they fell asleep.

It was now 2am.
Saiko had woken up, but was too comfy to move, plus he didn't want to awake the other
The smaller boy began to play with Saiki's hair, as Saiki had once done to him.

What Saiko wasn't aware of, was that his father was watching.
There were cameras in every room.
The father was smiling, watching the screens, although he didn't support them.
He felt as if he should, they were cute together.

The next day they went to school, all walking together.
Some students saw them all leave the same house, and whispers began to flood in.
By the time they were at school, the photography club had taken pictures of all of them in the same house.
It was the talk of the school, which Saiki hated.

Sorry this is really short-

I have no motivation rn 😃

discord: Tr4shy__ zOmb133zz#4067
(O is a zero btw and there's two underscores)

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