Chapter 11

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The photography club published a photo on the two boys.
Including its usual over dramatic title, getting everyone riled up.
Unfortunately for the two boys, Saiko's father contributed to the schools donations.
He saw everything.

A rage washed over him, as he stormed to the principals office.
He slammed the door open, scaring those inside.

"I want that Saiki kid EXPELLED." The dad spoke, emphasising the expelled part.

As the principal trembled in fear, knowing if he didn't expel this innocent student, his funds would be cut.
The principal sighed as called for Saiki on the coms.
Where he received the news, Saiki saw this coming, and although he had the power to change that, he knew that this could be a major factor in getting the dads acceptance.

After being told, Saiki walked out and telepathically told his parents.
Although they were extremely mad that he got expelled over nothing, he managed to keep them calm.


The psychic brought out his phone, texting his partner, he knew what to do.
And had mentally set a plan.

private messages between My lil psychic🥰 and Bubs❤️

My lil psychic🥰
You never will change
my name, will you?

Never❤️ but where are you,
class started ages ago.

My lil psychic🥰
oh, about that. Don't get angry but,
your dad kinda got me expelled..


My lil psychic🥰
Bubs? Don't be mad.


My lil psychic🥰
I love you, please don't do
anything reckless.

Okay, fine.. I love you too idiot❤️


Chat ended.

Saiki sighed, knowing his boyfriend was going to do something stupid.
But he also knew it would be good for their relationship.
So let him do what he wants, besides from what he said.

Saiko turned his phone off and stormed off.
His pace quickened as he shouted for the limousine.
Once he got in, he told the driver to head to his fathers house.
The more his thoughts went on about it, the angrier he got.

Soon he had arrived, with Saiki watching using clairvoyance.
Saiko stormed into the house, slamming open the doors, not letting his maids greet him, he rushed up the huge staircase.

The doors of his fathers office slammed open, revealing his dad doing paperwork.
He lifted his head up to see his son.
Where a smirk grew on his face, knowing exactly what this was about.

"Hello son." He spoke, in his smug tone.


"That boy was a distraction, plus he gave our family bad publicity." His father wasn't wrong, but Saiko didn't care.

"But father. I love that boy. If you kick him out, i'm leaving too, i'll get married to him right now and take on his last name. That'll surely embarrass you." Saiko spoke with confidence.

He was secretly scared and mentally crossed his fingers, hoping his plan would work.
By the reaction his father gave.
He assumed it did, the dad looked shocked, his eyes widened and stuck in that state.

Saiko's smug grin returned to his face.
This time, fully confident in his plan.
His father sighed and picked up his phone which was placed besides him.
He tapped the screen a few times and lifted it up to his ear.

After a ring or two the person he had called, answered.
All Saiko could hear were a few mumbles and odd sentences.
It ended quickly with his father laughing to himself, and a very confused Saiko.

"He's allowed back. Also son, i knew you liked him. I set up cameras in your new home, and i can tell you truly love this boy. Personally, i wanted to see how you would react." His father explained.

Saiko's face lit up, like it had when he was younger.
His father chuckled to himself once again.
Both were left with a smile, and Saiko knew his lover was watching him.

"I'm guessing that boyfriend of yours is smart, he always looked at the cameras, must've known they were there." Saiko's father spoke once again.

Saiko laughed to himself, thinking about how smart his partner is.
After a few minutes of chatting between the two, Saiko left.
He sprinted home, forgetting about the car he could've used.

Saiko came up to his own mansions doors, swinging them open.
The child-like smile, not leaving his face.
He ran up to Saiki's room; to see his partner stood, smiling.
He had anticipated Saiko's arrival.

Saiko practically jumped into Saiki's arms.
As the pink haired psychic snaked his arms around the rich boys waist.
Teruhashi who was startled by the sudden door opening, burst into the room.

"Are you two okay?" she sounded genuinely worried.

The two nodded.

"Hey, do you wanna stay here, or do you wanna move back?" Saiko asked.

"I'll go back if i'm not needed anymore, i kinda miss that stupid brother of mine." She held a gentle smile.

The two nodded once again, and helped her pack everything up.
She took the limousine home, to surprise her brother.

AAAAAA uhh sorry for not updating???
i'm so lazyyy

n e wayz

word count: 866 words

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