Chapter 7

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When morning arrived, Saiki had left.
The maid and butlers flooded in with a wide variety of foods to choose from.
Saiko saw the coffee jelly, and instantly chose it.
Coffee jelly reminded him of his lover.

The day was beginning and Saiko ate quickly, desperate to see Teruhashi to confirm the plan.
Saiko rushed to get dressed.
He ran out to his limousine, which was parked right outside.
The eager boy jumped in the back and yelled for the driver to drive.

Once he arrived at school he saw Teruhashi stood by the gates.
She was smiling brightly thinking of all the things her and Saiki could do.
Saiko felt a little bit bad for tricking her, but knew this could make his relationship work.

The two were determined.

Saiko knew he was being watched closely by one of his fathers men.
Therefore he grabbed Teruhashi's hand, and ran to the back of the school.
He made it look as if they wanted to be alone, so the bodyguard would give them a few minutes.

-Hey! What are you doing?

Teruhashi looked disgusted by Saiko's touch.
But Saiko didn't care.
She kept ahold of her hand and ran to the back of the school.
When at their destination, Saiko let go.
He instantly washed his hands.
This pissed Teruhashi off more.

-Hey come here, let's talk about the plan. Remember what you get out of this.

Saiko said, he was clearly fed up already.
But the two whispered about the plan some more, but they weren't exactly quiet.
The two didn't notice the body guard who was watching over Saiko was stood right next to them.
But he too was listening in.

-E-Eh-.. Wait- This was just us talking about our future plans i swear!

-No, no. I see you like that boy. I will help.

Saiko and Teruhashi were both shocked.
The man introduced himself, and they all became close friends.
They all shared a secret.
When the bell rang, it signalled for home room.
The two ran to their rooms quickly.

When they reached their destination they gave each other a nod and was smiling.
The rest of the class who noticed this were confused, the two were giving death glares before.
Everyone brushed it off.
Saiko knew that Saiki could hear the plan.

As the day continued on.
It stopped and became time for lunch.
The rich kid, the prettiest girl in the world and the bodyguard, all discussed the plan some more.

-Right, so we just have to act like a couple?

-Yeah. This should get my father to leave us alone.

-I'll tell your father that it seems you took his advice and found a perfect woman.

-Thank you all.

Everyone smiled, noting how good of a plan this was.
By the end of the day they all drove home.
Saiko dropped Teruhashi off at her house, and made his way home with the bodyguard, who was meant to be keeping an eye on him.
The car ride was silent.

Once they reached their home, the younger one went up to his room, whereas the older one headed straight to update his father.
Saiko layed in bed, worried.
He didn't know if he could trust this guy.
But it was his only option.

There was a knock at the door.
Saiko looked confused but opened the door.
It was the body guard.
He smiled, until he saw his father stood behind.


-I heard that you've found the perfect woman. I would like to meet her. Bring her tomorrow.


The plan was going how it was meant to.
As Saiko's father walked out, the bodyguard smiled and gave a thumbs up.
Noting that it was going to plan.

As the next day approached, Saiko asked Teruhashi if she would come over.
She reluctantly agreed, but only did it for Saiki.
The two went through another day of school, and Teruhashi and Saiko got into the limousine.
They pulled up to a large fancy house.

-I hate you but, we should hold hands so it looks believable.

-Absolutely not.

-But it's for Saiki, he'll be so happy if you do this.

Teruhashi sighed, knowing he was right.
She held her hand out, waiting for Saiko to hold it.
The blue haired girl was ready, she would do anything for Saiki, and therefore would put on the best performance ever.
Saiko held her hand.
He hated this, but had no choice.

The two walked hand in hand into the large mansion.
Teruhashi was familiar to the grounds after she did some stalking.
As the doors opened, Teruhashi was met by a golden glow.
It spoke:

-So this is the girl you've set your heart on.?

-Yes father. This is Teruhashi, my girlfriend.

-Nice to meet you sir.

Teruhashi gave the biggest and brightest smile she could, even she felt intimidated by this man.
But was determined.
They all sat down by the fire.
All three talked, about how the two met and how their relationship was going.
To any normal person their relationship seemed real.

Saiko knew his father took a liking to Teruhashi.
This was going to plan.
The two stole glances at the bodyguard who was working with them.

Saiki was watching this too.
They did seem real.
Saiki felt jealous, knowing that Teruhashi was holding Saiko's hand and he wasn't.
He kept his thoughts clear, not wanting to get angry and doing something reckless.

-I trust you've broken off everything with that boy.

-Yes father, i'm in love with Teruhashi now.

This question caught both Teruhashi and Saiki off guard.
But Saiko was prepared, although he wanted to yell at his father.
He remained calm, whereas Saiki grew angrier.

Saiko knew Saiki would be watching, he was protective of course.
That thought kept Saiko going, knowing they could be happy together.

By the end of the day, it started to get dark.
Teruhashi was worried her brother would get mad, and he would start thinking she's been with another man.
She disliked her brother, but didn't want to stay much longer.
The pretty girl sighed and bowed, saying she must leave.

-Please wait, you two seem a perfect match. I have bought you your own house, you will live there together.


The entire room fell silent..

discord: Tr4shy__ zOmb133zz#4067
(Two underscores and the O is a zero)

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