Chapter 3

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saiki's thoughts are in italic and everyone else's are in '...'
i don't own any images btw

Saiki's POV:

I knew i couldn't say no to him, the look on Saiko's face told me he was begging for me to stay with him even if it was for a little bit longer. With that being said, i nodded and walked into Saiko's mansion, cautiously. "This is a nice house" i said, feeding his ego even more than i should, knowing Saiko he would usually do that smug grin and say "it gets better." but for some reason he didn't. At that moment i could sense Teruhashi walking past the house, which was another reason i said yes to coming inside, i heard her thoughts from miles away. I didn't want Teruhashi to start talking to me, she'll end up making a fool out of herself like usual. This is so annoying, the things i have to do in order to avoid Teruhashi. It's not exactly easy having to avoid the prettiest girl on the planet.

Teruhashi's POV:

I saw Saiki and Saiko walking into a mansion together. 'could this be Saiko's house? Why is Saiki going into his house?' I wondered. I had to find out more about this, i made up my mind to follow them in. 'How can i get in' i questioned, looking up at the giant gate in-front of me. I made up my mind to climb over the fence, with that being said i climbed a nearby tree and jumped over the fence. My school uniform ripped and was stuck on a branch, thankfully it was only a bit. i could have it fixed soon, my brother would do anything for me, anyone would do anything for me.

Narrators POV:

While Saiko and Saiki made their way up to Saiko's bedroom, a certain stalker was following their every move, Teruhashi peering in the window of the second floor bedroom, to be exact, Saiko's room. Of course Saiki was aware of this, in fact it gave him the idea to crush all of Teruhashi's hopes and dreams. His new idea was the best thing he's ever thought of. Both of them knew this was a bad idea, they couldn't understand their feelings. In Saiko's mind there was always Teruhashi.

Saiki's POV:

This new idea of mine, will end Teruhashi's stalking for once and for all. I sensed Teruhashi's presence edging in closer to the window , i knew she was through and i could hear her thoughts, they were angry like a volcano erupting, overpowering everything including Saiko's thoughts. I can tell that Teruhashi is upset over loosing two men at once, but i wasn't hers to begin with. Her thoughts were mostly about how Saiko has stolen me from her, although i was never truly hers to begin with. this could be an opportunity. I thought to myself, discreetly looking in Teruhashi's direction. I knew she could see us. "Hey saiko, can i do something?" i said to Saiko, with a subtle smirk on my face.

Saiko's POV:

I was sat at the table in my room, with saiki. Both of us once again sat quietly, i was eating caviar while saiki stared towards the big window at the front of the house. 'What is wrong with him?' i wondered, also looking in the same direction as him. Until suddenly, the silence was broken by Saiki asking a question. "Hey saiko, can i do something?" he said, i panicked, not knowing how to respond. 'What was he going to do?' i thought. I reluctantly nodded giving him permission to do what he wanted. That's when Saiki leaned over the table and kissed me. My thoughts rushing not knowing what to do or what to say, my mind swarming with thoughts and feelings. I blushed a deep red colour looking away from Saiki, it may have only been for a second but that was enough to drive me crazy.

Teruhashi's POV

i heard Saiki say something to the smug Saiko who was sat across from him. I couldn't make out what they had said, but i knew this couldn't be good. Seconds later Saiki leaned over the table kissing Saiko. 'What's going on is this a joke? Are they dating? But Saiko said i was the only one for him. He said he wanted me to be his, this could've been avoided if i had said yes to him. What do i do i have to stop this. i'm going to loose both Saiko and Saiki.' My thoughts rushing around my head, not knowing what to do. A single tear ran down my face, 'I've lost both men.' My thoughts turned against me and swarmed my mind with negative words. 'Should i just give up on Saiki.. He looks happy.. I couldn't do that. I'll fight for Saiki, i cannot let this egotistical bastard steal him away from me!' More determined than ever i slowly climbed down from my viewpoint and made my way home to plan my revenge.

Saiki's POV:

I heard Teruhashi's thoughts once again overpowering Saiko's thoughts. I knew that i had won, Kokomi Teruhashi would no longer be a nuisance to me, and the simple solution to that was Saiko. Saiko i owe you my life i thought to myself. Forgetting about my troubles i slouched back in the chair and closed my eyes, thankful for the removal of Teruhashi. With that being said, Saiko suddenly rose up and kissed me once more, this caused me an emotionless psychic to jump from shock. Unable to speak i felt my cheeks turn hot, i looked away avoiding eye contact with Saiko.

Time skip to the next day

Saiko's POV

It's the next day after i kissed saiki. I couldn't bring myself to go into school, but my servant insisted on my education. So i listened, then i found myself at school, in the home room wondering when or if saiki would be coming in.
A part of me hoped that i could see him again. Unfortunately Saiki didn't show up that day, i figured that he would avoid me. 'Is it so wrong? He kissed me first..' i thought to myself. 'I won't give up on you saiki!' Determination kicked in and i made my way out the school to start heading over to Saiki's house hoping he would be there.

Teruhashi's POV:

I saw Saiko making his way out of school, i ran over to the school entrance to catch up with him. Finally after running for a minute or so, i caught up with Saiko. "Hey Saiko, where are you going?" i said with a bright smile. Saiko ignored me and continued to walk in the direction to Saiki's house, my blood boiled. 'First he didn't say oh wow to me. Secondly he just ignored what i said.'

Narrators POV:

With that being said, both Saiko and Teruhashi made their way to Saiki's house. Of course with Teruhashi unintentionally heading to Saiki's. Saiki is aware of this current battle between the two, this led to regret. Both of them have the intentions of winning Saiki's heart .

Thank you for reading!
i try make each chapter about 1000 words if you have any suggestions please make them :)

discord: Tr4shy__ zOmb133zz#4067
(Two underscores and O is a zero)

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