Chapter 4: The Rescue

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The four friends decided to split up in an effort to improve their search

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The four friends decided to split up in an effort to improve their search. Yugi and Joey decided to search downtown Domino whilst Téa and Tristan agreed to check near the Pier. Whenever they passed a Café they would race inside and inquire with all the people within, asking if they had seen a girl to match their description. In comparison to the other girls in Japan, Ryoko looked quite exotic meaning that it was likely for locals to remember if they had seen her. Unfortunately for the group, no one had.

After running around what seemed to be the whole of Domino City the friends felt utterly exhausted. They all felt like they were about to give up, however Yugi insisted that they checked one last place. Joey sighed loudly as he pressed down the handle of the door and walked up to the cheerful lady behind the counter. He distractedly eyed the assortment of baked goods in front of him, clutching his stomach as he heard it growl. A nervous laugh escaped his lips, it had been hours since he had something to eat. Yugi quickly joined his side and began to give a physical description of Ryoko. He had done it so many times that he was starting to get irritated by the sound of his own voice, repeating the same thing over and over again.

"Excuse me," Yugi said, politely getting her attention. "We were wondering if you've seen one of our friends? She has black multi colored hair, tanned skin, brown eyes and she's sort of around my friend's height." He said guesturing to Joey who still stared longingly at the assortment of delicious-smelling baked goods laid out before him.

"She wouldn't happen to be an American girl, would she?" The lady queried.

"Yes, she is!" Yugi exclaimed, beaming happily at her. At last after all the searching they had found her!

"Then I have," she replied smiling warmly. "A girl of that description left with a white-haired boy only a few minutes ago."

"Pffft...Bakura," Joey muttered crossly to himself.

"Did you hear them say where they were going?" Yugi asked with eagerness in his voice. At last they had a solid lead!

"No," the lady shook her head. "But when they left I saw them cross the road and turn left. I hope that helps."

"Thanks!" Yugi replied bowing at her, as he and Joey exited the Café. Though not without Joey giving a forlorn glance at the treats.

They both continued down the street following the directions of the kind lady. No matter how hard he tried, Joey couldn't shake the queasy feeling he had in his stomach and given that it was practically empty he knew that it was nothing he ate. He wasn't sure if he should tell Yugi, but they were actually heading towards the rougher part of Domino. It made him wonder why Bakura had even decided to bring Ryoko there in the first place, it was certainly no place to take a lady. To be honest, it was the type of place where you could get beat up just by looking at someone the wrong way and sadly Joey had to learn this first hand.

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