Chapter 23: The Millennium Rod

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Earlier that same day:

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Earlier that same day:

Ryoko and Mai left a nearby burger cart; ready to duel. Yugi then met up with the two girls, "Now we're just waiting for Joey," Ryoko observed after munching on a fry.

"Yes, that slacker should've been here ten minutes ago. I've got duels to win," Mai said in what Ryoko could tell was faux impatience. "Here comes Joey now," Yugi said, pointing to a figure they recognized as Joey.

"Hey, guys! Long time no see!" Joey said chipperly. "Hey," Mai greeted as she and Joey high-fived, "Still in the tournament, eh Wheeler?"

"You bet. I'm already the proud owner of two Locator Cards," Joey said while proudly showing off his two cards.

"Then I guess I'm twice as good," Mai said while holding her four locator cards up.

"What?! You got four Locator Cards?!" Joey freaked.

"Awesome job, Mai! I've got three so far," Yugi said holding his up. "Wow slow pokes, I've got five," Ryoko said while holding hers up as well with a playful smirk.

"Aw man. I got the least. How am I ever gonna make it to the Battle City finals?!" Joey asked dejectedly.

"Don't worry, Joey. There's still plenty of time. You need a total of six locator cards to get to the finals and I know you can do it," Yugi said reassuringly. The girls nodded, agreeing with Yugi.

"Well, none of us are gonna get to the finals while we're just standing around here," Mai replied.

"Mai's right. Watch out 'cause I'm about to do some serious catching up!" Joey said determinedly. "Good luck and miss me guys," Mai said cheekily, waving goodbye to Ryoko who gave the blonde girl a playful wink, "Good luck to you too," Ryoko said.

"Luck is for amateurs. Later, Yug, Ryo," Joey said resolutely before he and Mai left to search for a duel.

"I know one of Marik's Rare Hunters is after me, I'll be ready for him. See you later, Ryoko," Yugi said before he started to walk off.

"Wait, Yugi!" Ryoko called, running up to the boy. He stopped and looked at her in question, "What's up, Ryoko?" He asked, sounding concerned.

"I have something important to tell you. Mind if I tag along?" The ravenett asked. Yugi smiled reassuringly.

"I don't mind, let's go," he said. The girl nodded and the pair started walking. "So, what's up?" Ryoko took a deep breath, "Seto has Obelisk the Tormentor." She said quietly, shocking not just Yugi, but Yami as well. "WHAT?!" They shouted, although Ryoko only heard Yugi.

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