Chapter 15: Rare Hunters and the Return of Toons

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A week had passed since Yugi had to duel Duke Devlin

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A week had passed since Yugi had to duel Duke Devlin.

Ryoko decided to leave for school early to help get things set up for the school's soccer game. As she was walking, her phone went off. She swiftly grabbed it out of her purse and looked at the caller ID...Seto. She smiled, Seto and her had been spending a lot of their free-time with one another recently, since the Duke Incident she had been giving Duke and Joey the cold shoulder treatment much to the dismay of Joey. Duke had just been greatful that Ryoko hadn't lashed out at him again, he still had a nasty bruise on his calf from the ravenett's wrath. Ryoko pressed 'talk' and placed the phone at her ear.

"This is Ryoko Akane, please leave a message after the beep...beep," she joked. Seto let out a small chuckle from his end.

"Do you do that with everyone that calls you?" He asked her with a playful smirk.

"Just my favorites," she stated casually. "So, what's up?" She queried.

"I won't be able to come to school," he told her apologetically, Ryoko  frowned.

"I'll be taking of everything alone, won't I," she said in a resigned tone. Seto said he would help her with the event, seeing as she didn't exactly have the muscle that he did.

"I'm still trying to fix everything the Big 5 ruined. I don't generally trust most of the workers to do it, so I've been doing it on my own," he told her with an exhausted sigh.

"Seto, you know you could have asked me to help you. After all, I could hack a computer in my sleep," she told him. Ryoko had gotten bored one day and started practicing on her laptop, after some advice from two of her tec-wiz friends she now could get into almost anything if she bothered to try . She was also good with other technology as a result.

"Mind skipping school then?" He asked teasingly.
"Yes, I do. I'm the only one who actually decided to be here early enough to help set things up. If I bail, who will do the work that needs to be done?" She retorted.

"Someone else?" He asked her, Ryoko smiled.
"Seto Kaiba, you're influencing me to skip school. Last I remembered, I was the rebel," she told him. A small chuckle escaped him.

"I think you're starting to rub off on me. Well, good luck with setting things up. Maybe I'll see you later," he told her.

"Okay, I'd like that. See you later, Seto," she replied. The two said their good byes and hung up. Ryoko was already in the school by now, she then set things up and went outside to find Joey and Tristen. "Hey, guys," she greeted. "What are ya doing here so early?" Joey asked her. Internally he was singing Hallelujah that Ryoko was talking to him again.

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