Chapter 25: The Wrath of the Tormentor

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The next day Ryoko found herself in the company of the Kaiba brothers, both of whom were adamant that she would be staying with one or both of them until the finals to make sure nothing like what happened yesterday happened again

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The next day Ryoko found herself in the company of the Kaiba brothers, both of whom were adamant that she would be staying with one or both of them until the finals to make sure nothing like what happened yesterday happened again.

Though she pretended to be annoyed by their inistance to plaster themselves to her sides like glue she was really greatful. It seemed like both brothers knew she needed someone with her for the day after yesterday's incident. Both her and Seto were on a mission though, they already had five Locator Cards so now they each needed one more to qualify for the finals.

They'd been combing the streets of Domino for the past hour and a half in search of duelists to battle, lady luck wasn't on their sides it would seem.
Every potential duelist they passed immediately fled from them as soon as they spotted them before they could be challenged. Evidently Ryoko had built up a reputation to match Seto's so now no one wanted to risk dueling her even if her Red-Eyes was a powerful card no one wished to risk being slaughtered by her in a duel for it.

At the rate things were going it looked as though they'd have to resort to dueling Rare Hunters just to get their final Locator Cards.

Speaking of the creeps in cloaks they quickly honed in on a pair of them holding their Locator Cards and conversing lowly by the canal. Neither wished to let such a golden opportunity pass them by so they picked up their speed and stopped just a few feet away, Mokuba was lightly panting from trying to match his elder siblings' gaits and when they stopped just shy of three feet from the Rare Hunters he moved to Seto's side out of instinct.

"Oi, Rare Hunters!" Ryoko's voice called out to the two cloaked men, her stance shifted slightly as she entered what Mokuba had dubbed her 'duel mode', Seto's body shifting to match as his eyes flashed with competitive fire. The two men looked up to see who had so foolishly challenged them only to do a double take as they realized who were standing across from them. It was the Mistress of the Black Dread and the Master of the Blue-Eyes. Much like the former's title called her, a sense of dread filled them both at the sight of the two formidable duelists.

"How about a double duel boys?" She asked in a voice dripping with fake sweetness that had them both wishing to disappear into the shadows, but they both knew that if they through some miracle managed to defeat them then Marik would reward them both greatly. In the end their desires to please their master and claim to be the ones to defeat Kaiba and Akane outweighed their fear of the two duelists.

The taller of the two Hunters quickly came up with a plan that could allow him and his brother to win, a slow, devious grin spread across his face at his cleverness before he answered in an over confident voice, "Sounds good to us, we each only need two more Locator Cards so that'll be the wager to go with our rarest cards."

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