Chapter 31: A Growing Family

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"This duel is over, Noah!" Yami shouted as he won the duel using Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, said dragon released a triumphant roar before disappearing

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"This duel is over, Noah!" Yami shouted as he won the duel using Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, said dragon released a triumphant roar before disappearing.
"Impossible! I can't lose!" Noah shouted, he looked completely shocked and had Yami looked closer he would've seen the look of fear in the boy's eyes.

"I'm afraid you just did so my friends are now free!" The Pharoh told him. One by one the others were returned from their stone state, "I'm back!" Tristan shouted. "Well almost," he added after remembering that he was still in his current body.

"Serenity!" Joey called out to his sister.

"Joey!" Serenity replied, a look of joy on her face as she raced to her brother.

"Seto!" They heard Mokuba and Ryoko call as they both fell into Seto's arms, relieved smiles on all of their faces, "Mokuba, Ryoko," he said softly, holding them close. "Is it over?" Mokuba asked his siblings.

"Well, it looks to me like everything is back to normal around here," Ryoko replied, looking around.

"That must mean Yugi won the duel," Duke agreed.

"What? What duel?" Seto asked, looking puzzled.

"Your duel. Yugi took over when you, Ryoko-chan, and Mokuba were turned to stone, then he combined your deck with his, and then he beat Noah," Téa informed them.

"My deck! He dueled using my cards?!" Seto asked incredulously.

"Seto, calm down. I know he took care of your cards. Jeez, have some faith," Ryoko playfully scolded him, making Yami smirk a little at the pair.
"There are only two people that I trust with my deck Ry, and that's you and Mokuba. That's it." Seto retorted as Ryoko and Mokuba chuckled at the brunette's dramatics.

Yami turned away from the trio and looked back at Noah, "You've been defeated, Noah. Not just by me, but by all of us for it was only by the support of my friends that I was able to win this duel and the more you tried to destroy that friendship, the stronger it grew," he stated as their platforms floated down. Noah fell to his knees looking down at the ground.

"This isn't how it was supposed to happen at all," Noah sulked as Yami walked forward, "Listen to me, Noah. You've been all alone in this virtual world for six years and it's distorted your mind," he told him gently. Noah was silent for a moment,
"...No one life was stolen...It's not fair! I deserve to be the president of KaibaCorp and I would be if Seto hadn't robbed me of my life! I want it back! And I'll start by escaping to the real world in your body! From now on I'm you!" Noah said as he ran up to Yami. As soon as he touched him, something happened. "What? What's this? Who are you?" He asked sounding stunned, "Answer me! Your mind is full of secrets!" Noah told him. Much to the boy's surprise he was able to see the secrets in his mind as well!

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