Chapter 12: Enter the Dice Master - Duke Devlin

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It had been a little over a week since Ryoko and the others had rescued Seto from the virtual world and the pair had only gotten closer

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It had been a little over a week since Ryoko and the others had rescued Seto from the virtual world and the pair had only gotten closer.

They hadn't really talked about the kiss they'd shared in the virtual world yet but they were both immensely relieved to find that things between them weren't awkward like they had both honestly expected them to be. The only slightly awkward moments came whenever they snuck glances at the others lips and even then those were unoticed because the other was too busy doing the same thing 90% of the time.

The others were all too quick to ask Ryoko how she knew Mai, and they were surprised when Ryoko told them not only how she had met Mai, but also that the two were best friends. Ryoko noticed their gobbsmaked expressions and asked how her new group of friends knew Mai, they explained how Mai had been a competitor in Dulest Kingdom and ended up befriending them towards the end of the competition.

Joey and Yugi hadn't brought up the kiss her and Seto had shared with the others, for what reasons Ryoko and Kaiba weren't sure, they were just grateful that the two boys hadn't blabbed about it to Téa and Tristan.

Ryoko was walking her dog Ramsey after she'd finished working at Ashton's Garage. It was a crisp Sunday evening, perfect for walking/jogging home after a seven-hour shift in the muggy garage. The 98lb dog was mostly muscle and highly energetic, a perfect combination for Ryoko who was an outdoorsy girl that was considered highly attractive. The mostly black dog was intimidating enough to keep most admirers a respectable distance just by standing next to her, with even the bravest (stupidest) wisely backing off as the waist-high dog let out his deep warning growl.

Ryoko was halfway back to her apartment when the sound of frustrated cursing reached her ears, curiosity now piqued she slowed her gait as they (her and Ramsey) rounded the corner to find a young teenager glaring at the red sports car that was pulled to the side of the mostly deserted road. It seemed like his car had broken down.

Upon closer inspection Ryoko observed him to be quite handsome by most standards, his build was slim but fit with a barely-there tan that complimented his shiny black hair rather nicely. His hair was pulled up in a ponytail with a red and black bandana and some long fringe left out to the side, this combined with his thick eyelashes highlighted his vibrant emerald green eyes. He wore a tight-fitting black tank top, a sleeveless red vest with what looked to be dark green leather pants and black boots, dangling from one ear was a standard white die that swayed as he moved.

He was letting out a steady stream of curses and didn't seem to notice Ryoko standing just behind him until she asked pleasantly, "Are you having car trouble?"

The boy jolted and quickly spun on his heels to face a serene-looking Ryoko and a cautious Ramsey.

Duke wasn't having a great day. Not even a good day to be completely honest.

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