☆ Charter 9 ☆

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I'm very very sorry about the late, short chapter. I will try to post the next chapter in two days!!
I know you have all waited for this moment... It is--

Haru POV

After a light bow, I close the door awkwardly. Hearing the sounds of the water start to move I felt my cheeks heat up quickly. My hand was still on the door and I was frozen, thinking what I should do after this very cliche predicament. I would always hear from Nagisa's on going rants of how the girl is so stupid for not locking the door and the boy is even more stupider for opening the door even though it is obvious the girl was in there.
I back away slowly from the door with my usual blank expression, but my face was crimson red and was very much noticeable. Silently and slowly, I go to my room and lie down on my bed trying to calm down, only ending up galling asleep.
How will we go on with tomorrow ?
The birds are chirping away as the morning goes by. I lie awake on my bed wondering if I should ever get up. I hear sizzling and smell mackerel frying. My mouth waters from just the scent and my feet started to move on its own to find the source of that warm fragrance.
I enter the kitchen and my eyes spot Akira. We both stood there for a moment at loss for words. I felt my cheeks heat up remembering the scene that happened not too long ago. I coughed and averted my gaze, hiding behind my hand as I made my way to the table, getting ready for breakfast. I listen as Akira put down the plates on the table. I, still embarrassed, couldn't look at Akira at all during breakfast.
Nagisa planned that we should all meet up today, we all could pick a place we wanted to go to. I picked indoor pool, Akina picked Beach(in winter?), Nagisa and Rin picked arcade, and Makoto and Rei picked Library. In the end we all agreed to amusement park because most of us changed our choices.
Akira got ready after me, as I waited at the front door for her.
"Alright," I hear her voice from afar "let's go." I look up at her, noticing that she dressed up a bit: a short, pastel blue long sleeve shirt, a white cardigan, and dark skinny jeans. She looked really cute in it with her size an all and the way she put up her hair...
"Hey, let's go." Akiras voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head and went out the door quickly, followed by Akira.
We arrived at the amusement park after everyone, only because Akira, and her no sense of direction, got us lost. It was a laughable moment at first (even though I didn't physically laugh) but when we got lost for the 3rd time, I took charge.
Since we all wanted to go in different rides, we spit up in teams of 2: Makoto and Rin, Nagisa and Rei, and Akira and I. Of course, Nagisa was the one to pick the pairs.
We all agreed to meet up at the same spot in about 3 hours so we could all get a bite to eat. All of the pairs parted ways to their rides while Akira and I just began to walk around, playing the small games we pass by. There was a quiet atmosphere between us most of the time. We were quickly known as the "Blank Couple"; we were named that by others who watched us play games with a straight face no matter what. I guess I was the only one who noticed we wrre being called a couple. Both of us became popular by the second, winning almost every game we played.
After a short hour, Akira wanted to just walk around for a bit before meeting up with the others. It was getting darker by the minute as I stared up into the orange sky hoping to start up a conversation to break the silence.
"Um..." Akira looked up at me with bright red cheeks. "D-Did you see anything.... L-Last night?"
"Last night...." I stared right into her eyes looking for an answer. Should say yes, telling the truth, having her mad at me, or tell a small lie not knowing what she would do..
She shot a unnoticeable glare at me. "If you tell me the truth, I'll buy you high quality mackerel."
"Yes." Without thinking I told the truth and a light tint of pink formed on my cheeks while a dark shade of red took over her face. It began to rain suddenly, only a drizzle for now. Akira showed a worried expression and squatted down, cradling her head in her hands.
"Eh... Wh-Whats wrong?" Not knowing what to do, I stand next to her, looking down at her back. She groaned and stared up at the cloud-filled sky, pouting.
"I can never get married now!" A few tears rolled down her cheeks, but it blended it with the rain drops that fell.
I stared at her for a second then sighed, sitting on my knees in front of her. She stared at me with curious eyes.
"What if..."
Akira POV

Haru and I ran back to the meeting spot exactly on the time when all of the pairs were supposed to meet up with our heads covered with my thin cardigan. Everyone stood there with umbrellas they brought with them just in case. I guess we were the only ones who don't really watch the weather..
"Hey! Where were you two?" Rei shouts out when we were half way to them. Nagisa goes straight to Haru and whispers, quite loudly, "Ne, Ne, did you guys ki--" Haru quickly places his hand over Nagisa's mouth with a red shade covering his blank expression. I coughed a bit knowing what Nagisa was about to say. His expression grew brighter.
"You did! I knew it!" He screamed happily in a way that made me blush even more. I glanced at the others and saw that Rei's face was the same but he had a smile that said 'OTP' and Rin's face had a sad expression. I never understood it.

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