☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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A/N:: Okay. So, asyouknow, Ihaveskippedtime. ThereasonisthatIwillnotbefollowingtheanime'splot. Isorry; very verysorry. Butdon'tworry! Therewillbesomuchchaptersafterthis ^^  [ I'lltrymakingitpassed 20 chaptersXD ]

TimeSkip (3 years)

Makoto-kun has went to college after the finals. Rin and Haru-chan went to train for the Olympics after Haru-chan found out his dream. I tagged along with them.

A lot has happened in the years that has passed by... Haru-chan and Rin somehow act a bit weird around me. Nagisa acts like he wants to tell me something whenever I'm close to Haru-chan or Rin; Makoto, too. Rei talks to Haru secretly whenever I'm not around ( that is what Nagisa is telling me ).

Overall, I'm glad we all became close again.

December 3   2:37 p.m.

As I was cooking the mackerel and salmon, as always, I thought of hosting a Christmas Party.

'Maybe pot luck... They won't like having dishes with justsalmon or mackerel.' I flipped the fish over to have it cooked on the other side as well. I got packets of Instant Ramen out as a side dish.

After setting up the table, I went to Haru's room.

"Haru. Lunch is ready." I said softly peeking into the room. He was asleep, still. I sighed before heading a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yelled out silently.

I jogged to the door after hearing the endless sound of knocking. Rin stood there with a plastic bag in his hand.

"Yo, Akira." He smiled shyly and held out the plastic bag.

"I got some ice cream for free." I gestured him to come inside. He looked around the house. "Where's Haru?" He asked looking down at me. Out height difference wasn't that different, I was only a couple inches shorter. I sighed, scratching my head.

"Haru is still asleep." I said nonchalantly, pointing at his room. Rin smirked and ran to his room, looking over at me before he entered. "I know how to wake him up quickly." He entered the room. After a short minute, Haru came out looking a bit annoyed. Rin followed after.

"What did you say?" I stood by Rin's side watching Haru start to eat, and up at Rin. He looked back at me grinning. He put a finger to his mouth and winked. "Secret." He laughed and joined Haru at the table, leaving me dumbfounded. After a while, I also joined in.

* * *

"Why did you bring ice cream? Its the middle of winter." Haru stares at the almost melted ice cream in his hand.

I stared at mine wondering the same thing. I shook my head. "At least wedidn't have to pay for it." I said taking a bite.

"Oi, at least say 'thank you'." Rin also took a bite of his. I nodded looking over at him. "Thank you, Rin." To my surprise, a tint of pink appeared on his cheek as he looked off to the side, scratching the side of his face. "Mhmm..."

I elbowed Haru, gesturing that he say thanks as well. He mumbled "Thanks" under his breath as if not wanting to do it.

I sighed, just letting it go.

4:56 p.m.

We all went for a walk outside after the icecream. It gotten dark quickly. At 5 we all went to a Ramen shop nearby. Because of my small appetite, I asked if I could share with one of them.

"Here, you can have some of mine." Haru slid the bowl to me. He had his with Mackerel instead of meat.

"Thank you." I get my chop sticks and grab some noodles, blowing on it to cool it down.

"A-Akira-chan, here try mine." Rin passes me his bowl. I nodded swallowing the noodles I had in my mouth. Rin had thin noodles with extra meat. On the side, he somehow managed to get some salmon. I ate one piece of salmon and noodles.

"Thank you, Rin." I said after eating. He grinned and began eating quickly. Haru, too. I asked the waitress, who stopped by to ask how we are doing, if I could have some salmon as well. A few minutes later, I had my fill and waited for the two to finish their ramen.

6:30 p.m.

Rin walked home with Haru and I. He stayed over for the night for some reason. I didn't know why, but I didn't want to worry about it too much. Haru went to bed early after a long chat. I set up a futon for Rin in the living room. He helped out, trying to create less work for me. After all of the hard work, we decided to watch a movie.

'I wonder why Haru slept so early...' I thought taking a glance at Haru's room door.

The movie ended before I could imagine. I turned off the TV and most of the lights. Rin sat on the futon looking a bit troubled, and a bit shy.

"Rin, are you feeling alright?" I sat beside him taking a peek at his face, which he his behind his hair. He looked up at me, causing me to jump a bit.

"Go out with me tomorrow." He says bluntly.



Rin entered the room after speaking to Akira. He sat beside Haru's bed looking at his face.

"Haru. If you don't get up in 3 seconds, I will ask out Akira-chan." He started counting. "One, Two, Thr--"

Haru srung out of bed and stomped out of the room without a word. Rin chuckled and stood up.

"Too late. I already counted up to three." He says silently walking out of the room. Akira walked next to him wondering what happened. All Rin said was, "Secret."

Seeyounextwatertime !

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