☆ Chapter 4 ☆

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|| Chapter 4 ||

August 30, 4:12 pm

The bell rang, informing the students that it was time to go home. Makoto had to hurry home and babysit his little brother and sister, and Nagisa was out looking for a recruit for the new swim club. So, Haru-chan and I had to walk home alone together. 

There was an awkward silence between the two of us half of the way there. We stared in the same direction for most of the time before Haru-chan stopped to stare at a plastic pool beside us where the neighbors children played in. Before he took a step toward them, I grabbed his shoulder. 

"Haru-chan, no." I made sure I had a good grip on him so he couldn't shrug me off and strip toward the pool. 

He turned his gaze on me and hit me with a cold stare. I stared back at him with the same look. We stared for an honest amount of time which really surprised me. I thought he would slap my hand away and jump in already. Haru-chan sighed and started walking forward already, but was held back by my grip.

"Ah. Sorry." I let go of his shoulder and brought my hand back to my side. 

We continued walking to our house in silence. 'I haven't said much to him ever since this morning. Well, to be honest, I haven't really spoken to him much knowing I am not the talkative type.'

As we reached the door, I placed the key in the lock and turned it, sliding the door open.

"We're home." Haru-chan and I said simultaneously. He quickly took off his shoes; leaving them side-by-side against the wall. I stared at him while he speed-walked up the stairs. I sighed. "He's probably going to relax in the tub before i would." 

i decided to cook dinner before working on my homework. I placed two plates on the table, along with chopsticks and  dipping sauce. I started working on the food; Mackerel, Salmon, and rice. Adding a small side dish to each. The smell of fish roamed throughout our house. I hoped it would bring Haru downstairs, but I guess I needed to get him. I set the food filled plates on the table, still piping hot. I walked upstairs in a fast motion so the food won't get cold. 

I literally had to drag Haru to the table. I wished that I had taken less time to get him out, dressed, and to the table. I was glad the food was still-- even a bit, hot. 

I placed our dirty dishes in the sink and started to clean them. I started humming a tune I was not familiar with. I felt the corners of my mouth rise. I guess I was smiling; considering that I was touching water.

There was a lot of dishes. I hadn't washed them for 4 days, so it is all piled up. I sighed, staring at the mountain of dirty plates, bowls, utensils, and cups.

I saw hands coming from beside me, I jumped. It was Haru.

"I'll help out." He said nonchalantly while rinsing the soapy dishes.

I stared at him for a while thinking 'he's such a nice guy. This us the first time he has helped me out.'

His chuckle snapped me out of my trance. I felt my face heat up when I saw the smile on his face.

"Are you done staring?" He turns to me, still smiling lightly. I gulped and turned my head puffing my cheeks out.

"I-I'm notstaring." I stumbled on my words hoping he didn't notice. I continued soaping the dishes as he rinsed them off. The only sound that was heard was the water running and hitting the objects in the sink.

"You should act like that more often." Haru-chan broke the silence. I turned my gaze over to him with a confused expression. He sighed and poked my forehead.

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