[Episode 10!] TRACES OF DESTINY!

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The retreat of Anorath was followed by peace for weeks, it felt like the winds had become calmer and sun shone much brighter. But it was only for the residents of Sun city, for Trent the questions were even more than before but for some reason it felt that it was time to prepare, prepare for the final act.

"Well, things are sure getting smoother in our city. I mean the crime rates have really dropped and there is really a sense of fear about you in the streets now, Trent what you say." asked Franky.

"Yes, indeed the crimes have dropped but the concern has now shifted towards some other pressing matters, and if my deductions are correct the answers to our future encounter lies in my past." replied Trent.

"You are talking about Storme aren't you!?" Franky responded.

"Indeed, who is this Lord Storme? Why is he attacking us, why just what does he want? It cannot be an coincidence, these connections between events, I don't know who all has this individual influenced, or who all has he eliminated, but one thing is for sure Franky we need to prepare for war and we need to get to him and his CULT before he strikes again." said Trent.

"Yeah! We have played this chasing game for too long, it is about time and maybe we might get to know what really happened the day of the crash." Franky sighed.

Upon further discussion Trent and Franky began their planning and training to reach out to the whereabouts of the CULT. While Franky scoured the entire cyberspace for data Crossfade went in on reconnaissance every night to gather Intel. It was all mostly in vain until one night a parcel was left at the main gate of Bloom Labs. And it was for Franky, upon receiving the parcel Franky opened it up only to realize it was a broken old sword from the night of Crossfade's clash with Silver Blade. It was a letter for him demanding them to meet him in his prison cell if they wanted to know what the CULT is all about.

 As soon as Franky saw this he called in Trent. Trent rushed to the office upon hearing the news and then he said:

"How the hell did he get to know about you Franky you can't go this has gotten more dangerous than what meets the eye." 

"No! Trent you need to calm down my friend, if he knows about me he surely knows the information we need and he might be our best bet as of know, you don't have to go I will go there alone he is imprisoned after all." Franky replied

"No Franky you cannot he is too dangerous, you need think this through!...." Exclaimed Trent

"I have Trent, I have plus you are not the only one who wants to avenge the death of a beloved...I mean Celine..." said Franky.

"Celine what Franky, did you liked her..?!" a visibly confused Trent asked.

"Yes! yes I did, ever since even before you were born I and Celine used to stay together all the time, we were same age of course and I proposed her the day before they were scheduled to fly off to Birmingham, I had proposed her and she reciprocated the same feelings for me we were going to break the news about our relationship to our families once they returned together...but...I hadn't imagined that she would never return..." said Franky visibly saddened by the memories striking back at him.

"But why didn't you tell me anything, you didn't even looked  that broken...why Franky! Tell me!" screamed Trent.

"Because of you stupid, I wanted to grieve but I couldn't because of you, I might have had lost my true love but you my brother you had lost your family those who died and those who didn't but yet barely lives. I had to think about you, after all I am your friend." said Franky

Trent was confused and saddened by this reveal but in that moment he realized that he thought he has no family left now but.." You are my family Franky...you are truly my brother even if we aren't so by birth, no one can hide this much pain and live with it and here I was thinking that my feeling of vengeance is the most remorseful and individual can get but Franky you are.... Brave is what you are and what I am is coward!" 

"You are not coward, you have saved people's lives" said Dr. G. Anderson as he entered their office. Ever since you were born good sir, you were destined for greatness and were always meant to be the rightful heir of MacArthur empire. But, with such high stakes there always are some high levels of threats. So, to protect you it was declared that Celine would become the heir but in front of media and maybe that is one of the reason why she and your mother got killed. I have always treated you like my son Trent and I was waiting for the right time to tell this news and seeing the circumstances that have arise, this definitely was the right time. So, no you are not coward, others who would have me this fate would have crumbled under pressure and turned to world of crime but you are special young one you always had been!" paused Dr. Anderson.

"You are right I am sorry,  Dr. Anderson, but seeing my family is putting so much faith in me then I too have to put in the faith in you all. And plus Franky with what you have told me today, you deserve this as much as I do, to avenge the fallen." said Trent.

"No Trent not to avenge the fallen rather, for Family and love" said Franky and continued, "Thank you dad for supporting us and showing faith in me I will not disappoint you all."

"Oh! I know son you wouldn't neither of you would,  get to the truth son and Trent you should prepare because if my feelings are correct Malcolm is going to give us some clue for which you both might need to leave for some place we don't know yet." said Dr. G. Anderson

"Yes, the feelings mutual Doctor, I presume the same..." Replied Trent.

With so many secrets now seeing the light of the day things are now getting more visible and now the destiny does seem inevitable, with that in mind Franky left for the prison while Trent left to train and prepare, for there's a war on the horizon. 

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