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Crossfade reached the location and it turned it out to be the iron and auto parts dumping ground of Sunstreak City. "I'm here, I know you can hear me so tell me why do you called in for me." shouted Crossfade in a deep voice.

" Oh! you're not so smart as I thought, you came here to meet me and that too alone, didn't you hear the conference properly." replied an anonymous voice from dark.( In a Spanish-Latin accent).

" Show yourself you coward and I'll show how smart and tough I'm." commanded Crossfade.

" OK here I'am since you're so desperate to meet me." replied the anonymous voice.

" Who are you?" asked Crossfade. A tall stature, and visibly jacked up individual stood upfront of Crossfade within the shadows with a huge gun like weapon in his hand. " Well for others I'am Jame Goeff Varlon but for you, hmm....you can call me Boomburst!" said the anonymous voice as he walked out of the shadows to reveal himself. He had a special ray gun which was engineered out of the stolen tech. from the SCP armory. He wore a fiber-helmet face mask which had black and white stripes on it and an armor which had white breastplate and forearm guard while the rest was pitch-black.

" OK enough talking who sent you and why're you looking for me!" demanded Crossfade.

" Are you sure that you don't know who sent me and why." replied Boomburst.

"Oh, I see he sent you, you're his next henchman." said Crossfade.

"Not just a henchman, here let me show you what I can do." said Boomburst and aimed his gun at Crossfade and pulled the trigger and it created a mini sonic boom with its full intensity concentrated at its target. It landed a devastating blow to Crossfade and blew him off ground into a huge pile of junk metal and all of it trembled down.

"Ah! That was hard, he is more complex than I thought." said Crossfade to Franky (via coms).

"Oh! You better be careful this guys seems hellbent on finishing you, that sonic boom could have shattered your bones if you weren't in that suit." warned Franky

"Hmm.....I see so you've got a friend of yours in your ear lets see, what should I do. OK lets try this." said Boomburst while re-calibrating his gun and he pulled the trigger while aiming at Crossfade. The gun released a ultra-sonic sound-beam at Crossfade's head.

"Ahh..ghah!...no....stop this." Crossfade screamed in pain.

"So you see this is how I disrupt coms these days, do you feel the pain." said Boomburst. At that very instance Franky lost connection with Trent and he immediately activated the distress signal of Crossfade's suit via auxiliary wireless support system sending his location to SCP. And then while Boomburst was proceeding towards Crossfade to kill him he heard the sound of police siren and chopper.

"Maybe today's not your last day of life, I will kill you the next time we meet. Until then goodnight." said Boomburst and knocked Trent unconscious and vanished into the darkness. Captain Connors arrived in his car with Franky while Trent lay their motionless. The next thing he knew was him waking up in Sun City Hospital bed. Franky was sitting beside him.

"How..how did I got here. What happened! And....and where's my mask! Where is it Franky!?" asked a confused and anxious Trent.

"CALM DOWN boy! Everything's fine now, and do not take tension no one knows your identity, except we needed someone among the higher ranks to cover all this and not let anybody know about it so I had to tell everything to Captain Connors." said Franky. 

"So you're saying that Captain knows about me and what about the doctor who operated me." asked Trent.

"Well the doctor who treated actually knows only half of the thing that he operated you but not who you are also for security measure Capt. Connors got him transferred to Arizona for security purposes. Trust me Captain will be a great help to us and will make it easier for us to track them down and whoever is sending them." said Franky and continued "I'll meet you at base I've got to upgrade the suit, it was not meant to resist sonic booms, meet me there I have an idea." And as he left Captain Connors came into the room.

"Trent I hope you're fine. Trust me no one will know that you're Crossfade. At least that's what I can do to help you. You can't be thanked enough for your efforts." said Capt. Connors.

"You don't need to thank me, this is my city, my home and no innocent will be killed. I will do whatever it takes to protect it." replied Trent. That afternoon Trent was discharged and he went to his base where Franky was waiting for him.

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