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While the followers had fled the scene, the hall only had Anorath, Scargaron and Crossfade now. As they were gearing up for the fight, Crossfade was thinking in the back of his mind about how did Anorath came to know about his real identity. And also the fact that he belonged to the royal lineage of Sun city's knights. All these questions rose in his mind, but he focused on the fight with the lost spartan, and stopped thinking about it for a moment so as to disallow clouding of judgement during the battle.

Anorath removed his helmet and handed it to Scargaron and said, "If I die , then choose someone worthy to take up the mantle."

Scargaron was astonished by what he had, just heard, he replied, "Yes master, I will, I will choose a rightful heir and train him myself, but it won't be necessary because you will not lose my sire."

"Hmmm....Optimism is a good thing but never sever it from reality or else it becomes a delusion. We will see for ourselves what destiny holds for this old spartan." said Anorath.

"Are you ready, Spartan?!" Asked Crossfade.

"Yes champion, I am. Let's do this!" exclaimed Anorath.

Then the fight began. First they stared into each others eyes, but for some reasons their was more feelings in their expressions than what seemed. While Crossfade looked determined to beat the lost spartan, Anorath's eyes showed fear, fear of the result as if he already knew the result. 

Then they began with hand to hand combat, it was intense fist fight. Then the fight began to intensify as the spartan turned it on. He suddenly overtook Crosscode with a series of punches at fast pace and dodging the opponents strikes at will. And then he slapped him across hard and screamed at him, "Is that all you got, champion."

And at that moment, Crossfade totally calmed down, all of sudden he stood there taking blows with his eyes closed and then he opened them as if something awoke within him. Then he began to block every strike of the spartan with ease and effortlessly. He said," Until now I wasn't using my true art and was looking for wasteful offence while I could have simply turned your offence against you."

The spartan was taken aback by the fighting skills the young man possessed, and the fact that he was holding back until now. The spartan threw everything in his arsenal from kicks to punches only for them to be blocked and countered at him. Then he tried to go for a power-slam that too got reversed into a judo throw by Crossfade. Then finally he picked up Anorath and hit him with a power move of his own, a sitout power-bomb. And then he drew his blade and was going to plunge him into Anorath, but in fear the spartan covered his face and at that point he felt nothing only to uncover his face to see Trent without his mask pointing the blade at his face.

"Why didn't you kill me?" asked Anorath.

"Because your humiliation is your defeat I do not need to kill you, in fact for a change I am not going to hand you over to the authorities either, despite all you have done. You actually have lost your path, you should go on a self exploration journey to rediscover your honour and glory." replied Trent.

"I think you are right, and I had foreseen this too, its time I finally purified myself and cleared my self of all the sins that I have committed. And I shall follow the journey to rediscover myself." said Anorath.

"We have witnessed an end of an era, my lord and you have guided us to it my champion. For we should go on our paths to reinvent ourselves. Now I shall follow you my master Lord Anorath." said Scargaron.

"No! Scargaron this is my and my journey alone, you have an important job to do. Hide from the world and train my heir for he shall not be like me I will give him the teachings that a honoured warrior like me should stick to, that shouldn't corrupt his mind. Trent made me realize it, you are the protector of the spartan helmet Scargaron, and the helmet should be preserved as it is the only relic I have as a memory of my fallen and lost empire." said Anorath.

"As you wish my lord, I shall protect both the relic and your heir till the last breath of my life." replied Scargaron.

"I should be leaving now I still have to search out for your Lord Storme and avenge him for killing my family." said Trent.

" I am bounded by the promise of my word to never reveal any details about Lord Storme, but I can tell you only one thing The Cult is not any group, they are dangerous and you might end up being disappointed by finding out the truth. Nothing is what it seems like. Farewell Trent." said Anorath.

"I will take your word as my clues Lord Anorath, yes you have earned it now." replied Trent and then left the scene.

After all the chaos had ended there was a man standing on the rooftop, under the dark skies of the old factory, in the shadows.  Winds rushed by his waist stash and his hair flowed with it too. He watched as Trent left, then he activated his ear piece coms. And sent a message to someone.

"Trent is Crosscode and Spartan is no longer with us. But he didn't tell him anything about us, so he will live."

The mystery keeps getting denser and denser as the storm clouds and lightning strikes the night skies and the mysterious figure escapes with the blink of an eye. 

CrosscodeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora