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Maddie's P.O.V-

I walk out of the shower and wipe my eyes. Luke was still on my mind, 6 weeks on. I still missed him so much. I quickly dry my body and hair, heating myself up. I hated the hair dryer as it brought back so many memories with Luke.

I get up and go to the 'wardrobe' as the British like to call it and slide into a dress I had bought. I curl my hair and put my makeup on. I had to admit, I looked nice for the first time in months. I got into my shoes and walked into my living room just as my door bell rings. Was I even ready to do this?

I open the door and Zayn holds up a bunch of flowers for me. He wore a black suit, his hair slicked back, he looked hot. I tense up as I hadn't been on a date since Luke and he sees.

"Relax, only some friendly flowers" He smile. It wasn't a date was it? Just friends going out for food.

"Come in so I can put them in water" I say and invite him inside. He sits down as I put my flowers in a vase. A couple of minutes after, we leave my house and out to the busy streets of London. He smiles as we approach the restaurant he was taking me to.

"What do you think?"

"I like it, it's small and the scent is amazing" I say sniffing the air, taking in all the glorious scent.

"It tastes good too" He says and he opens the door for me to go in.

"Which table is it?" I say and he guides me to a small table at the back without many people around it which was what I liked.

"Do you like it inside?" He smiles.

"It's beautiful" I smirk and pick up a menu, I see Zayn looking at me but I pretend not to notice. After we order our food and eat it, we just sit and chat for a while to end the night.

"How's the album going?"

"It's going quite well, we've only wrote two songs though, maybe you could come to the studio and help me? I mean you wrote the only reason for Luke didn't you?"

"Yeah I could help. I need to use the toilets, I'll be right back" I get up and quickly get into the girls toilets. I slide my back against the wall and cry. The only reason. Luke. I left him. Maduke. Australia. Anna. Michael. Gone. Idiot. That's all I could think.

"Excuse me, are you okay" A girl asks and I shake my head.

"No but it's my problem to deal with" I smile and get up. I clean up my makeup and go back out and see Zayn.

"You're back" He smiles while standing up.

"Yeah" I smirk and we walk out the restaurant. We get to a small park that was covered in blossom and it looked magical.

"Look how cute this park is" He says dragging me in. I immediate smell the scent of the flowers and close my eyes. Memories of Mum's house and the back garden come to mind. I shake it off and go to Zayn, this was all that mattered.

"Tonight has been fun. Thank you" I smile and hug him.

"Anything for my best friend" I smile and look up. He flickers his eyes down to my lips and I do the same to him. He grabs my waist and gently pulls me into him. I giggle and he smirks. I press my lips to his forcefully and kiss him. We pull off and he smiles. I could tell he didn't expect that to happen which made it even more fun.

Tonight was magical, I love Luk- but it wasn't Luke. I kept telling myself Zayn was Luke and that's what led me to kiss him. I was lying to myself.


4 days...

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