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Maddie's P.O.V-

I show the furniture man out as Luke comes down. We finally got all our furniture and our house was finished.

"How comfy is this sofa?" I say as he jumps onto it.

"It's sooooooo nice, I love it" I kiss his cheek and sit beside him.

"So it's done? The whole house?"

"Yep, no more furniture to go in"

"I'm so happy. This is all I've ever wanted" I smile and so does he just as the toaster goes off.

"You're making toast?" I smile.

"Maybe" He giggles while looking to the ground as his voice breaks making me laugh.

"YAY" I say imitating Luke's voice break and smirk. He squints at me and gently kicks me. We then both run to the kitchen as we forgot about the food. He grabs them out of the toaster and puts them on a plate for us to share.

We go into the living room and watch some TV while eating our food when I hear the door bell ringing.

"Who's that?" He asks and I shrug.

"I'll get it" I say kissing his cheek and going to the door.

"Good morning Miss Day" He says putting on a posh accent.

"Morning Mr Clifford, care to come in?" I join on.

"Why yes, that would be splendid" He comes in and we both burst out in laughter.

He walks into the living room and sits beside Luke putting his head on his shoulder. I sit on the other side of Luke and smile.

"Muke moments" I smirk.

"I can't help it, I love him" Luke says hugging him.

"Fine, I'll just sit here" I joke and we all laugh. It wasn't even funny but hey, you can't help but laugh in the presence of Muke.

"So you're both cheery" He laughs and so do we.

"Are we?" I say and Luke laughs.

"Did you get laid last night Maddie?" I instantly go bright red and Luke laughs.

"She might have" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"About time, fuck" He says laughing.

"About time?" Luke says confused.

"It's been nearly two years" He laughs.

"We took it slow" I say and kiss Luke's cheek.

"Nothing wrong with that, it's quite cute but I couldn't do it, I love sex too much" He smiles. I cuddle into Luke's side.

"How did you even know?" I say.

"You rung me last time without knowing" He laughs and I look at Luke shocked.

"Oh my god really?"

"Yes, you guys really went for it" He laughs and I bite my lip.

"Shit, I'm sorry-"

"Luke's ring is gone, I'm only messing" He replies, cutting me off.

"You scared me dickhead" I say and playfully slapped him.

"But I'm here so it's MICHAEL TIME" He shouts and starts dancing.

"Well okay then" I laugh and join him. I laugh as Luke just sits and stares at us. He presses play and music plays. Luke sighs and joins in making us all bump into each other.

"Luke you suck at dancing sit down" Michael says pointing to the sofa and Luke pouts while walking over to the sofa.

"No, I think you're an amazing dancer. Stay" I say glaring at Michael.

"Fine just don't bump into me please" He sighs and Luke nods like a 4 year old who just got a cookie.

We all continue to dance including Luke until we get bored and tired. We then sit around our kitchen table and play monopoly as Luke loved that game.

"I have a surprise for you Hemmings" I smirk and he looks confused.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise dumbass" I say getting up and grabbing the giant box.

"Why?" He says taking the box.

"Because I love you and I wanted to treat you, okay? Now stop asking questions and open it" I smile and wait it his reaction. He pulls out a brown acoustic guitar and he opens his mouth wide in joy.

"NEW GUITAR NEW GUITAR NEW GUITAR. I LOVE YOU" He says and grabs my hand.

"I love you too. Play something" I smirk.

"Play too late" Michael jokes and my heart melts. I loved that one but they never released it.

"Yes oh my god please"

"Okay, Mikey?'"

'Ever since the day that we met, I couldn't get you out of my head, There was always something about you'

They sit beside each other and begin to sing making my heart happy. I loved muke singing, especially this song.

After a couple of hours, Michael falls asleep on our sofa and we decide to go to bed. I quickly change into my bed wear before Luke comes in.

"Aw you look cute. Are they the clothes I bought you?" He smiles and hugs me as I sit on the bed.

"Yeah, they're really comfy. I like them" I kiss his cheek and he giggles.

"They look great on you"

"Mr Hemmings, fashion adviser as well as boyfriend"  I laugh and he playfully slaps me.

"I was giving you a compliment" He smirks shaking his head.

"You're so sweet" I smile getting into bed.

"I try for you" He winks tucking himself in.

"STOP IT I WILL PUNCH YOU" I say and he bites his lip again. Luke was such a dork but I loved him for it.


☺️☺️☺️☺️ I saw Brad today and if you read my other fan fic, you should know that he is my second celebrity crush and damn he is hot and he was so closeeee

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