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Maddie's P.O.V-

I opened my door and walk into my house. I found my dad sitting in his chair, drinking a bottle of beer as usual.

"Hey Honey, how's you?" He slurs.

"You actually remembered I lived here?"

"I love you, of course I remembered" He smiles. Drunk, as normal. My mum walks in and sits down beside my dad.

"Hi sweetheart, what do you want for dinner?" My mum asks my dad, forgetting about me.

"You to leave me alone, that's all I want" He pushes her out of the way and tries to get to me. I quickly run to my room, it was my only escape.

I sit on my bed and hear the arguments going on downstairs. I hated it so bad, I always crept out my window at night just to go. My mum was strict so I couldn't leave my house unless I told her and got her permission but even then I'm only allowed to go to school.

After they finish arguing, I open my cupboard and look around. What should I wear? I wanted to impress Luke but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea, we were just friends.

I find a small black dress which was perfect, casual but pretty. I put all my stuff in a bag and slide out my window.

I make my way to Luke's house when I see Matt walking. I run into a bush and I cover my face. Luckily, he doesn't see me.

I wait until he walks off until I get out of the bush and begin to walk again. I see Luke's house and stroll over to it. He opens the door just as I get there making him jump.

"Oh shit" He shouts and I laugh.

"Did I scare you?"

"A little bit!" He says holding his chest. I laugh as we begin to walk to the beach.

As we walk I feel Luke's hand make its way into mine making me feel all warm inside. We arrive the beach that was weirdly empty.

"Where is everyone?" I ask confused.

"No idea" He replies and we sit down. We begin to talk awkwardly for a while before we then lay down and relax.

"So Maddie, why don't you speak?" He asks and I feel my heart beat a thousand times faster. I knew it was coming, the day I had to tell someone.

"That was very upfront, wow. Uhh, I just didn't think anyone would want to find out about me. I'm kind of a loser" I say and lay down on my back again. Now wasn't the time so I made it up.

"You're not a loser"

"You know nothing about me" I laugh.

"Yes but I know you're not a loser. I like hanging out with you so if you're a loser, so am I"

'You're awesome Luke, you're not a loser like me' He smiles and gets up. I follow him as he walks to the sea.

"What are you doing?" I say as he picks me up by my waist.

"You know you want to feel the cold water" I grab his shoulders and scream. He continues to do this, dipping me into the cold water.

I splash some water at him and he does the same back making us both laugh. It was so fun to just relax around someone without having to worry about what they would think about me, it felt like he didn't judge me at all.

"NO PLEASE" I laugh and he stops as we were both soaking wet. We run over to a shady spot and lay down.

"Okay, let's play 5 questions and then I can judge whether you're a loser"

"Fine" I say as he thinks up a question.

"What is your favourite band?"

"Hard one. Probably all time low, you?"

"Blink 182. I love them so much, they inspire me so much"

"They're a great band"

"You listen to them?"

"Of course! Pop bands suck, take one direction, what do they even do on stage?"

"They get money for miming" We both laugh and ask a couple more questions.

"Last one, favourite memory as a child?"

"Easy. I got locked in a store when I was 9 and stayed there the whole night. I got to eat as much food as I wanted, it was awesome" I say remembering it, I was so happy that day.

"Didn't your parents realise you weren't home?" I smile as I remember my mum telling me to stay in the plastic green bin until the store closed.

"I don't think she knew I went to the store with her"

"Oh, that's way cooler than mine"

"What's yours?"

"I was in school and a school teacher was shouting at me so I shouted back. Then I told her what she did on Friday and she shut up pretty quick"

"Perks of your mum working in the school?"

"You know it" He smiles and we both get up. I take his hand as we walk alone the beach together.


FINALLY, MADDIE'S P.O.V! Yes, I changed it up a bit😘

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