Finding out

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Maddie's P.O.V-

*4 weeks later*

I slide my big jumper over my body covering my small bump. It made me look so fat but I loved it so much. I looked at it and thought, our child.

I run downstairs where I find Luke doing his hair and Michael sliding his leather jacket on. I slowly slide next to Luke to check my makeup and he smiles.

"We have two mirrors you know"

"Yeah but this one is my favourite"

"I guessed" He laughs and kisses my cheek. I apply a little more makeup and then we were all finally done.

"Let's go pick up your parents" I smirk at Luke. We had planned a dinner with his family and his band to tell everyone about the baby. The only people who knew were me, Luke and Michael.

We get into the car and set off for Luke's parents house. Michael was playing Iron maidens as we approached their house.

"Here they come" I smile while Liz and the rest of his family pile in.

"Hi everyone" I smirk while driving to the restaurant. It wasn't too far away so it wasn't an awkward car journey.

I get out and see Calum and Anna on the car park. They come over and each give me a hug. They had Calum's mum looking after Hayley while they came out so they didn't have to worry about bringing her along. We see Ashton and Hannah walking over so we decide that everyone was here.

"Lets go eat" I smile while we find our table. I sit down beside Luke and he grabs my hand. I was so nervous.

We all order our food and just talk when Luke taps the table lightly. Everyone stops and stares at Luke including myself even though I knew what he was doing. He stood up and we all look confused.

"Thank you all for coming, you probably find this a little strange, Maddie and inviting you all out"

"I thought something had happened" Calum laughs and Michael smirks at me. I clutch my stomach as I was nervous about the reactions.

"It has..." He made it sound like something was wrong.

"Luke?" His mum asks worried.


"I should tell them" I say standing up as Luke was getting nervous.

"Someone spit it out" Michael laughs and so do I.

"I'm pregnant" I say and the whole table gasps. Luke kisses my cheek as everyone starts talking about it.

"How far along are you?"

"3 months"

"Are you showing?" Anna giggles and I nod.

"It's only small but it's there. It makes me happy"

"It makes me happy too" Luke says putting his hand on my leg under the table.

"I couldn't think of anything better for you both, congratulations" Ashton says raising his cup.

"To the Maduke baby" They all chant and we drink.

"That went well" Luke whispers and I nod.

"Your mum is crying" I laugh.

"So is Michael. It might not be the baby he's crying over though" He sighs and Michael smiles at me.

"You okay?" I mouth and he nods.

"Just emotional. I'm excited" He mouths back and we both giggle. I loved Michael like a brother and to see him happy made me feel all warm inside.

We all finish our meal and we go home. We drop his family off and get home. Being pregnant made me exhausted.

"Bed I'm guessing?" He giggles and I nod.

"If you want to, I don't mind" I lie. It was only 8 o'clock and I didn't need sleep that much.

"Well, shall we watch a film?"

"Sure, why not" I giggle and he looks at me confused.

"You're being weird"

"I'm just really happy"

"Me too, they took it so well!"

"Did you see Jack's face?" I smile and he nods.

"He told me it was bringing back memories of Zoe" He smiles while looking up.

"That's so cute"

"He said he's happy for us"

"I can't wait to meet our little child" I say and he nods.

"The first moment I see our child will be the best day ever"

"I can't wait to hold our child"

"Soon we will have a gender and a name" He winks.

"That'll be amazing" I kiss his cheek and cuddle into him as he plays the film.

I was so excited for our new arrival. I knew Luke would be an amazing dad and I couldn't wait to see him in action.



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