Date night!

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Maddie's P.O.V-

I grab a jumper and slide it over my bump which was now really big. I put on my leggings considering my jeans didn't fit anymore.

"You ready beautiful?" Luke shouts up and I smile. My amazing husband was taking me on a date before I had the baby.

"I'm coming Luke" I smile and run down the stairs. I jump down the last step and see Luke. He was sliding his Snap-back on his head and I smirk while going behind him.

"Hemmings" I whisper and he jumps. I laugh as he turns to face me.

"Don't do that again" He says and pulls me into a hug. We didn't really have cuddly hugs anymore because my bump got in the way.

"I won't, I'm sorry I frightened you" I giggle.

"Good, now let's go" He smiles and takes my hand.

"I need my jacket, I'm freezing" I laugh and he puts my coat on for me. He thought for some reason because I was pregnant, I couldn't do things for myself. We walk hand in hand to where Luke wanted to go, I had no idea so I just followed him.

"It's close"

"You're taking me to the beach?" I smile.

"Not really" He laughs as we approach the pier that I loved. We walk down the pier and sit on the end, our feet dangling down.

"I love this place so much, it's so peaceful"

"I knew you loved it so I brought you here"

"It brings back good childhood memories" I say kissing his cheek.

"We will take our kids on walks down here when we have our full family" He smiles while looking to the sea.

"And we can take them to the arcade and feed them candy floss" I smile at the thought, I couldn't wait for this to happen.

We sit on the pier for a while just talking and laughing. It was extremely fun considering I was with Luke Hemmings and he made me the happiest girl in the world.

"Shall we go eat? It's a vital part of every date for us" I nod as he takes my hand and guides me to my favourite restaurant.

"I love this place!" I say and he giggles.,

"Why do you think I brought you here?" He says kissing my cheek as we walk in.

We get taken to our seats where we eat our food before we order dessert. I buy a big chocolate cake as it was the first thing I ever ate on a date with Luke.

"Chocolate cake, your favourite" He says and they arrive and I nod like a little 3 year old. I loved this cake. After food, which was insanely amazing may I just add, he takes me to the arcade.

"This date is very special today?" I say and he nods.

"The baby is 1 month away, I am not going to have just you alone on dates now" He smiles and stops me by hugging me. I giggle as I hear him softly breathing.

"I love you so much Luke" I say as he pulls off in shock. He looked into the distance with fear and I got scared.

"What?" I turned around to look slowly when I see nothing but an empty beach.

"I just thought I saw something, don't worry, I didn't" He laughs and wraps his arm around my waist. We walk back to the arcade.

"I love you Luke" I giggle as he takes me to my favourite machine, the claw.

"Anything for my wife" He kisses my head and tries to pick something up which he doesn't, not a surprise.

"Can I have a go?" I laugh as Luke tries for the 8th time.

"After this- FUCK YOU" He shouts at the machine as it drops his toy.

"Calm down, I'll try" I laugh and he nods angrily. I win nothing, I have about 5 turns but nothing.

"Only weirdos win at this anyway" Luke says as we see Lena holding a stuffed animal that was once in this machine.

"That is true" He sees where I'm looking and laughs.

"I told you" He looked so happy to be with me and that made me so happy.

We leave the busy arcade and just take a small stroll on the beach. It was night so it was really dark which made it more relaxing.

That's when Luke stops. He opens his mouth wide with shock and looks into the distance. It wasn't... It couldn't be...


I have to go out in 10 minutes and I only have skinny jeans on😂👍🏼

6.4k I love you

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