I love you moreeeeeee

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Luke's P.O.V-

I walk downstairs and see Michael asleep naked on our sofa. I hear Maddie behind me and I cover her eyes quickly.


"Trust me, you don't want to see this" I slowly take her into the kitchen and she looks at me confused like a 4 year old.

"What was it?"

"A naked Michael Clifford" I say and clench my teeth.

"I would've wanted to see that" She replies and I raise an eyebrow.

"Well Michael's single now so..." I joke and she pulls me closer.

"You're all I want" She kisses my nose and I wink while walking into the living room. I wake Michael up and he glares at me.

"WHY AM I AWAKE?" He shouts.

"Clifford, you're naked and Maddie almost saw" He looks at me and his eyes open in shock.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry" He says and quickly runs upstairs. Maddie comes in looking innocent in her bunny onesie and I giggle.

"You're so cute, I love you"

"Shut up you're cuter" She says and hugs me.

'IDEA' She laughs as I say it and I look at her confused.

"Idea? Really?"

"It's a good idea" I pout and she stops laughing and kisses my lips.

"What is it sunshine?" She smiles sweetly.

"Let's go on a walk"


"Come on, it'll be fun" I smile and she rolls her eyes.

"Fine, I'll go but you owe me!" She shouts while walking up the stays. I laugh and sit down on the sofa and watch TV.

"OH MY GODDD, I'M SORRY" I hear Maddie scream and run downstairs.

"What's up? What happened?" I say getting up and pulling her into a hug.

"Michael was naked in the bathroom brushing his teeth" She says and begins to laugh. I join in.

"I'M SO SORRY MADDIE" He says running downstairs, fully clothed this time.

"Don't worry Michael, it's okay"

"You should call yourself lucky" He winks and sits on the sofa.

"We're going for a walk so you get the house all to yourself, don't throw a party" I say and he nods.

"The worst I'll do is throw your blanket at the wall if I lose this game" We made a rule in our house that if you get annoyed at a video game, you have to throw a blanket at the wall because the amount of times Michael and Maddie broke things was insane.

"Good. Go get ready" I say kissing Maddie's cheek.

"I'm going, I'm going. Don't miss me too much" She giggles while going up the stairs.

"She's so cute" I say and Michael laughs.

"You're wrapped around that girl's finger"

"No it's the other way round Mikey" I laugh.

"Bitch, I am not wrapped around your finger" I hear Maddie shout down.

"Yeah I'm wrapped around her finger but in a good way. I'd do anything for her"

"I meant in a good way. You're both so adorable" He smiles and I giggle.

"We are?"

"Yeah, people would kill to have a relationship like yours" He winks.

I smile and run upstairs to get ready. I quickly slide into a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt. I see Maddie come in looking beautiful as usual.

"Look how cute you look today" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you so much"

"I love you moreeeeeee" I say and she giggles. I take her hand in mine and we walk, we hadn't planned where we were going so we just walked around and chatted.

"So tell me, what is your favourite part of me?" She asks and I look at her confused.


"What's the best part of me?"

"I love all of you, I can't just choose one"

"Come on, that's not the point of the game. Just say one thing you love about me" She giggles.

"I love the way you cuddle me or the way you giggle. OH! The way you kiss me when you're all tired and cute" I smile and look at her.

"I love the way you always put me first, I find that really sweet, I love the way you hug me because you're so tall and you tower over me and oh my god don't get me started on the way you kiss me" She says smiling to the floor.

"I love you Maddie, I really do"

"I love you too, more than anything" She grabs my waist and pulls me into her. I press my lips to hers forcefully and she giggles. She wraps her legs around my waist and I accidentally bite her lip.

"Sorry" I say as I taste blood. She jumps down and I see her laugh while licking her cut.

"Owwwww" She laughs.

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't worry about it, it's only a small scratch" She giggles and I look down.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little bit but I'm fine, stop worrying" She laughs and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm sorry, I love you"

"I love you too, stop apologizing you dork" She playfully slaps me. I smile and kiss her cheek. We carry on walking until we find a small field where we sit and just relax, I loved dates like this.


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