Home time

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Maddie's P.O.V-

I grab my suitcase from the side of the bed and put it by the hotel door. I sit on the bed and wait for Luke to leave the shower as I need to clean myself before flying home.

"I'M OUT" He giggles and I walk in. He looks at me and grins.

"Hey Hemmings"

"Hi. You look beautiful today"

"I haven't even showered yet, you suck at lying" I laugh and kiss his cheek. He leaves the bathroom and I get in the shower.

After my shower, I quickly dry and do my make up as I knew I would run into some of Luke's fans today. I was finally done and I walk in the main room to see Luke. I run over to him and give him a giant hug.

"Why hello there Miss beautiful"

"Shut up" I say and pull off.

"You do look beautiful" He says playing with my hair. It always made me feel safe when he did this.

"And you look amazing. Just wait until we arrive at Australia" I wink and we take our bags to the taxis outside.

We get to the taxis and I see Anna smiling at me. I run over and give her a giant hug.

"What?" I ask as she continues to smirk.

"Need to tell me something?"

"I don't think so"

"Not even the fact you thought you were expecting?" She laughs.

"An, I'm sorry I know I should've told you, you're my best friend-"

"Forget about it, it's fine. I wouldn't have been much use anyway" She giggles.

"It was terrifying, I cried"

"I heard, Calum told me everything" She smiles.

"I should have told you, I'm a stupid best friend"

"I don't mind mads, it's fine" She laughs and gets into the taxi with Calum who smiles at me. I get into the taxi with Luke and grab his hand. He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"You okay Mads?"

"Yeah just a little tired" I smile and look to the floor. He kisses my hand and we drive to the airport.

The car stops and all I see are posters and fans, I see Luke's face light up. He opens the door and everyone screams making him giggle. He gets out and instantly goes to see his fans. I follow behind slowly and join him. I stand back as he met fans because they were his and I didn't want to interrupt them from meeting their idol.

"Ready?" He smirks and I nod. We walk hand in hand to desk where we put our bags.

We get to the departure lounge and hang out there until our plane gets called. I see Lena look worried and I follow her to the toilets as I got scared.


"Go away" She shouts and I go to the cubical she was in. She was throwing up and looked ill.

"What's up?"

"Flight sickness" She sighs and gets up. I smile and help clean her up. She doesn't smile or say thanks once which made me feel a bit angry. I just cleaned sick out of her hair and she didn't even say thanks.

We meet up with the others and she doesn't even say anything to Michael about it. We all go to the plane and we sit down. This time I was sitting beside Luke and Hannah which I found fun. For the whole 14 hours, I sleep along with Luke and Hannah which was better than doing nothing at all.

We leave the plane and collect our bags. I was still quite sleepy so Luke practically dragged me to the car park. I see his family and he runs over to them. I slowly follow behind as usual.

"LUKE! MADDIE! We missed you" Ben says pulling us both into a hug.

"I missed you too Ben" He smiles.

"Bet you're wondering where dad is" He winks and I see Luke nod.

"I kinda was" He bites his lip.

"He's taking Jack to a football game. I didn't get a ticket because I supported a different team" He says squinting.

"Harsh" Luke laughs. I smile as we all get into Ben's car. I just wanted food and my bed. He begins playing 'Good Charlotte' really loud as Luke gets in the front. I sit alone in the back and curse the loud music considering my head was killing me.

He pulls up at our house and my head was pounding. I get out for fresh air as Luke hugs his brother one last. I hug Ben and he drives off. Luke and I take our bags inside and I began to feel dizzy.

"Mads, you okay? You look pale"

"The room is spinning. I think I'm just tired" I say and clench my teeth. He runs over and pulls me into a hug.

"You're okay, you're safe with me" I giggle.

"Luke, you're not going to stop me being sick because you're hugging me" I laugh and he pouts.

"But I just want you to be healthy and happy" He sighs and we cuddle on the sofa.

"I'm feeling a little better" I lie just to make him feel better.


"A little" I say and he pokes my nose.

"I know you're lying, thank you though for trying to make me feel better" I kiss his nose and he giggles.

"I love you Hemmings"

"I love you more Day" He winks and I put my head into his chest and fall asleep.


5.6k thank youuuuuuuuuuu

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